Hi everyone, some news from the Miroverse here
Since not too long ago we began publishing Miroverse templates weekly and are very excited about it. From now on, we will be sharing the inspiring work Miro users share with us
Please give a warm welcome to our 8 new amazing templates this week:
This week, we got 3 new Retro templates, two of which would particularly appeal to action film fans.
Star Wars Sith Lord Retrospective and An Olympic Retrospective by
The Avengers Retrospective by Michel Veloso
Company Organization Chart by
Tools to Build Stronger Cross-functional Teams by Dorris can be used as a tool to create alignment on project goals and a tool to give feedback to your team mates
Content Modeling by Nikoo Yahyazadeh breaks down your content into pieces (content types) and defines the relationships between those pieces of content. It also helps to structure your content and make it more reusable!
Framework for Reverse Engineering the Case Using CRAFT by IKRA will help you analyse best practices, collect benchmark ideas from your sphere. Moreover, it helps to learn about the main elements of the CRAFT methodology
Polarity Owtcome by Owtcome can help you and your team see things in perspective, locate biases in understanding, and turn challenges into opportunities.
Dear creators, feel welcome to share what inspired you to create these great templates, and any suggestions you may give to those using them β
Everyone in the community, we would love to hear your questions and comments about these too