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Miroverse Monday: Welcome to Our New Weekly Update!

Helena Brandist

Hi everyone, some news from the Miroverse here :heartbeat:


Since not too long ago we began publishing Miroverse templates weekly and are very excited about it. From now on, we will be sharing the inspiring work Miro users share with us :sparkles:


:clap: Please give a warm welcome to our 8 new amazing templates this week:


This week, we got 3 new Retro templates, two of which would particularly appeal to action film fans.

:bulb:Star Wars Sith Lord Retrospective and An Olympic Retrospective by @DWestgarth 

:bulb:The Avengers Retrospective by Michel Veloso


πŸ’‘ Company Organization Chart by @Reid Thomas is a great tool to help you visualise corporate structures

πŸ’‘ Tools to Build Stronger Cross-functional Teams by Dorris can be used as a tool to create alignment on project goals and a tool to give feedback to your team mates

πŸ’‘ Content Modeling by Nikoo Yahyazadeh breaks down your content into pieces (content types) and defines the relationships between those pieces of content. It also helps to structure your content and make it more reusable!

πŸ’‘ Framework for Reverse Engineering the Case Using CRAFT by IKRA will help you analyse best practices, collect benchmark ideas from your sphere. Moreover, it helps to learn about the main elements of the CRAFT methodology

πŸ’‘ Polarity Owtcome by Owtcome can help you and your team see things in perspective, locate biases in understanding, and turn challenges into opportunities.


Dear creators, feel welcome to share what inspired you to create these great templates, and any suggestions you may give to those using them β€‹:clap:

Everyone in the community, we would love to hear your questions and comments about these too :raised_hands:


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8 replies

Reid Thomas
  • Miro Hero
  • 39 replies
  • August 2, 2021

@DWestgarth, I love it. 

Alexis Luscutoff
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 58 replies
  • August 3, 2021

All these templates are fantastic! @Reid Thomas I wish I had the company org chart template when I worked on the CS team at my last job. That would be have been a huge help! 


And oh my gosh @DWestgarth your Star Wars Sith Lord Retrospective is next level! So delightful. Today during our virtual offsite a customer talked about how much FUN her team has with Miro and this is such a great reminder! Okay I just have to share a screenshot of this with everyone because come onnnnn 


  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • August 3, 2021

Star Wars, Avengers… we definitely have the most creative community :smile:

And @Steven Sampson-Jones’s MARVELlous Retrospective is in good company :raised_hands_tone2:


Steven Sampson-Jones

Thanks, @Marina.


@Alexis Luscutoff you should check out @DWestgarth's lightsaber builder and health check, it's genius.πŸ’‘


We're working on something special with Chris Stone, The Virtual Agile Coach which we'll be uploading to the Miroverse. Hope y'all like Space Jam and Looney Tunes.

Helena Brandist

@Steven Sampson-Jones and @Chris Stone  great news! Looking forward to seeing more of your amazing work :raised_hands:

  • Miro Hero
  • 14 replies
  • August 3, 2021

Thanks everyone for the really kind feedback especially @Reid Thomas and @Alexis Luscutoff! It's worth mentioning the Olympic retro was a collaborative effort between me and the super talented @Steven Sampson-Jones who made it look brilliant! πŸ™Œ


Cant wait to publish our next one between us and @Chris Stone watch this space 😁

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7276 replies
  • August 3, 2021

@Helena Brandist - A heads up that the start screen for Star Wars Sith Lord Retrospective in the Miroverse is set as follows:


Someone may want to

  1. open the board
  2. Ctrl/Cmd+1 to β€œShow all”
  3. set the start view



Helena Brandist

@Robert Johnson thanks for spotting that! All fixed now :slight_smile:
