I’ve created a workshop agenda ticklist in the notes sidebar of my board and I want to include it in the template I’m creating to share with my team. However when I go to ‘save board as template’ these notes aren’t included.
Am I missing something? Any help is much appreciated!
I’ve got team member access but not admin access - the team in on the ‘Teams’ plan.
A template can be imported as part of a board rather than having to be a full board - that is likely the rationale behind the Miro product team not including Notes when you save a template.
As a workaround, you can do what I’ve been doing - avoid the template approach and just provide folks with a backup (RTB file) of the original board to restore. When they do that, they’ll get the Notes content too.
A template can be imported as part of a board rather than having to be a full board - that is likely the rationale behind the Miro product team not including Notes when you save a template.
As a workaround, you can do what I’ve been doing - avoid the template approach and just provide folks with a backup (RTB file) of the original board to restore. When they do that, they’ll get the Notes content too.