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Print Feature

Joseph Assaf

👋 Hello beautiful people, faced this challenge several times especially today while preparing for next week’s training. I, sometimes, have the urgency to print on the spot items prepared in several frames. 🖨️

Can we have the ability to ccreate a “print” button when we click on a frame, instead of save it as an image and then print it.

Trying to make it faster, and easier 😊

Was it helpful?

also it’d be helpful to see how it looks on the paper size pre-print (or be able to create print areas the size of A4/A3 etc?). I’ve spent ages playing around with the frame sizes to get my content to be the right size when printed. 

Joseph Assaf
JemmaHolloway wrote:

also it’d be helpful to see how it looks on the paper size pre-print (or be able to create print areas the size of A4/A3 etc?). I’ve spent ages playing around with the frame sizes to get my content to be the right size when printed. 

Couldn’t but to agree more !!!