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Select Notes by Colour

Use Case:

Large workshops where we have lots of people moving sticky notes around

What problem are you trying to solve:

As a facilitator, I often use sticky notes as a method for capturing requirements or tasks. Often we use different colour of the sticky note to denote the creator or the logical grouping. 

I have a need as part of this session facilitation to take a large mix of colour coded sticky notes, and sort them into groups by colour.

Is it a critical feature that blocks you from working in Miro and being productive, or is it a nice to have feature?

This blocks me a little, as the only workaround adds significant overhead to the process and slows down the flow of the group’s output.

What is a possible solution for you?

The only process I have found to allow this is tagging the notes, but this adds significant overhead to the process and slows down the team’s progress.

Was it helpful?

5 replies

Agree that this feature would be very useful. 

It would also be very helpful in just being able to download one colour of sticky notes for your CSV file. 

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • October 25, 2022

I would also like to bump this feature up! Brainstorming is pretty chaotic, it would be hard to get every participant to manually add a tag. Would love to group by color and export to csv as well!!!

Currently running into this challenge - I’ve highlighted a bunch of helpful quotes to drag into my synthesis board by turning them into another colour of sticky note. After this, I want to just duplicate those. Right now I’m doing it manually. Would love to bump this feature~

Agreed! Would be very useful when dealing with big tables and hundreds of notes!

  • Mironeer
  • 922 replies
  • December 24, 2024

Thanks for sharing this valuable feedback. We appreciate it.

Our team is reviewing this, and it is open for votes and comments. For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request.
