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Only board editors can start voting session

  • February 18, 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi all, 

I am an editor for a board that my client shared with me. But unfortunately I can’t start a voting session. After I press the button I can see the previous results of other sessions of the board but in the top it is stated: Only board editors can start voring session

It is a enterprice plan, App is installed, button can be clicked, my role is editor (next would be owner).

I am not part of the company but was invited to the board (external emailaddress). 

Maybe someone can help or has the same question. 

Thanks in advance!


Best answer by Robert Johnson

@Frank Pupkes - Team members will have the role of Editor. The board owner will have the role of Board owner. From your description, I am understanding that you are accessing the board as a Guest editor.

You can confirm your role on the board by hovering over your avatar:

As per the Collaboration with Anonymous Guest Editors Help Center article, you will not be able to start a voting session.


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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • February 18, 2021

@Frank Pupkes - Team members will have the role of Editor. The board owner will have the role of Board owner. From your description, I am understanding that you are accessing the board as a Guest editor.

You can confirm your role on the board by hovering over your avatar:

As per the Collaboration with Anonymous Guest Editors Help Center article, you will not be able to start a voting session.