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Password protected public boards

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for me as a user of the consultant plan it is important that every user I invite to my board

this user

  • gets fast
  • instant
  • simple
  • userfriedly
  • and safe

access to my board as user friendly as possible.

So if I invite someone to my board the access should be

  • Sended as Mail
  • Link inside
  • Password protected

No registration at miro - same like I do if I invite someone to zoom meetings.

Please can you make this possible? It would help a lot.


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Patrick Mooney

With the new external guest editor, some of these requests, like no sign up, are now in the product. I’d like to upvote in relation to password protecting a public board. That would make life a lot easier (for me). 

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • April 19, 2020

@mlanders - I’m leery about the usual of the guest editor capability as even with password protection, the inability to know “who’s who” would make it a little difficult to effectively collaborate on certain exercises. I would definitely prefer a more seamless onboarding experience for newly invited team members!

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  • April 19, 2020

@Kiron Bondale :
Of course I am for a login with the full name of the user.
This username is created by the inviting person.

So the workflow should be as follows:


Or a more secure workflow shows this:


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  • April 24, 2020


Any news if we could see this in the near future?



  • Contributor
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  • April 27, 2020


I need to share board with editing right. For the moment I use the public link with edition (in beta). You should also provide a more protected way to share boards in edition. Like a public link with a domain restriction and a password could be a first step.

Also possibility to share with other teams in a same company.



Timm Shrago

Hi @mlanders @Patrick Mooney @Kiron Bondale 
Thank you for proposing and elaborating on the idea of seamless and secure access to boards.
We’re currently working on providing greater security for public boards so you will see it in the product in the near future.

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  • May 7, 2020

@Timm Shrago :

So good to hear that!:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Will there be a faster access to the other people I invited to my payed boards?

My users often are confused about the hint: “Lets start using and look into how video...” from miro and they only want to get fast access to my board.


  • Contributor
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  • May 11, 2020

Hello, not sure to read that on the previous propositions. Could be interesting to choose to extend the domain restriction of a team to public links.

  • Beginner
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  • May 12, 2020


we’ve been having to share using the ‘public’ link and we are also concerned (and it could just be a perception) that without password protection it doesn’t feel as secure. and so for this reason we may have to consider to Mural (pre-empting advice from our IT department) 

  • Beginner
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  • May 12, 2020

Will be great to add that extra layer of password protection.

After the whole zoom bombing situation of public URLs. our IT department enforced adding passwords to our meetings.

I’m sure they’d have similar views to our Miro projects boards. 

Ferdinand Werthwein

Hey guys, just wanted to share my story and thoughts about the suggested “password protection feature for boards accessible via public link”-Feature with you:

As a workshop facilitator (UX/UI Designer), password protection for boards shared via public links is crucial for my work. I can’t take responsibility for my clients data if it is accessible via public link without any password protection or sign-up. Even if the link has a realitvely cryptic name, pure brute force and other security reasons make this a very insecure way to share critical client data (not an expert on this, but it feels realy insecure to me).


I ran a 5 day Remote Design Sprint Workshop with 7 participants last week and the only workaround I found to set up a secure, password protected board was to set up 7 additional E-Mail addresses (“”, “”, ...) with my own business E-Mail domain and add 7 additional members in my Miro account (+ pay for them).  (I did not want to have the users go through the setup process for their own account, since the workshop requires a lot of onboarding anyway + the users will usualy not choose a secure password, so the access will be unsecure again and I will kind of be responsible for that...) This took a lot of time and effort as you can imagine, as i had to send every participant their username + password via 2 separate channels to keep up security.


The Consultant Plan and its day passes were no real option for me and seemed to be too complicated, more expensive than a team license and don’t provide the abbility to grant access to the board for all participants after the 5-day remote design sprint workshop which is also necessary (and I dont want to spend my time renewing day passes and answering requests for access to the board). So for my personal workflow, the Consultant Plan and its day passes are not a good option. Maybe other users see it that way too and you might think about changing that kind of payment model.

(By the way: “Control accesses for team members and external collaborators “ this information in the pricing plan left me with a lot of open questions)

After my workshop I now have to cancel all of the 7 participant account subscriptions, and if I host my next 5-day workshop, i will have to go thorugh all the unefficient setup again + change all participants passwords and share the accounts with the new clients.(I hope you understand, that i don’t want to pay for the inactive users. Typically they will check the board about 1-2 times after the sprint within a time span of about 10-14 days, and I only plan to facilitate about 5-6 remote design sprints this year.)


In a nutshell:

For some, this might seem to be just a small feature, but for me as a workshop facilitator this is crucial (for all the small and big reasons mentioned above). I would love to see this feature implemented soon ❤.

Maybe I got all this wrong and could have solved this in a better way. So any suggestions are totaly welcome 😉.

I will also Post the part about the Consultant plan in the other corresponding threads.


I hate to say this but I just checked Mural and they already have this feature implemented (Possibility to share a public link to the board + set a custom password to access it) so I’ll have to consider switching to their service for my next workshops, which would be totaly sad 😞 since I’m a huge fan of miro (since the realtimeboard days).

Thanks for listening.

Cheers, Ferdinand

UX/UI Designer & Design Sprint Master


  • Beginner
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  • May 20, 2020
Ferdinand Werthwein wrote:

I hate to say this but I just checked Mural and they already have this feature implemented (Possibility to share a public link to the board + set a custom password to access it) so I’ll have to consider switching to their service for my next workshops, which would be totaly sad 😞 since I’m a huge fan of miro (since the realtimeboard days).


Couldn’t agree more. we are having to start considering alternatives such as Mural (purely for the reason they offer password protection) - and as much as I’d prefer to stay with Miro, it’s a very difficult conversation to have with our IT department given this missing feature.



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  • May 20, 2020

@Timm Shrago :

Could you or one of your team at miro check this Mural - password protection thing, how this works.

Haven’t checked it.

One thing that I found as a “no go” solution is the blue Login / Sign up field above:


I know that you need the Mailadress to have it - but:

The user is totally confused - no matter which button he is clicking everything ends up, that he gives a Mailadress - The client shouldn’t have nothing to do with this. It is not his job to care for this:

He wants to get in my workshop / coaching or whatever.

It should be as simple as possible. The one who should do all the work that is needed (all behind) is me - not my client.

Please, please, please would you change this!

Everyone of my clients told me on the phone the same question:

“I see a blue section:
What shall I do now - but when I click with my mouse on the board, the hint doesn’t disappear. 

Are you sure - that I should not click on the button … Oh I have clicked the button … what’s next ...”

And one thing you should have in mind:
If you access the link via mobile the blue section takes lot of your screen and your attention.

This had taken time from my workshop.

So please change this.


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  • May 20, 2020
Ferdinand Werthwein wrote:


In a nutshell:

For some, this might seem to be just a small feature, but for me as a workshop facilitator this is crucial (for all the small and big reasons mentioned above). I would love to see this feature implemented soon ❤.

Maybe I got all this wrong and could have solved this in a better way. So any suggestions are totaly welcome 😉.

I will also Post the part about the Consultant plan in the other corresponding threads.


I hate to say this but I just checked Mural and they already have this feature implemented (Possibility to share a public link to the board + set a custom password to access it) so I’ll have to consider switching to their service for my next workshops, which would be totaly sad 😞 since I’m a huge fan of miro (since the realtimeboard days).

Thanks for listening.

Cheers, Ferdinand

UX/UI Designer & Design Sprint Master


Hi @Ferdinand Werthwein,

I am totally with you - as I read your lines I sat there with a little smile at my face, because I thought: Yes, absolutely - he got it!


Timm Shrago

Thank you for sharing your feedback. I’ve passed it on to the relevant teams.
We’ll update you once there is any news on this.

Caspar von Gwinner
Timm Shrago wrote:

Thank you for sharing your feedback. I’ve passed it on to the relevant teams.
We’ll update you once there is any news on this.

A month later: 
Any news you'd like to share regarding this?

  • Contributor
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  • June 23, 2020

I just have to add my voice to this thread. These concerns are make or break for my consulting teams and our clients. There is simply no way I can safely socialize Miro into the various organizations and departments where it can add value, if I can’t protect the initial client experience for outside guest users. They are the core of the work.

  • Please enable password protection 
  • Please remove the blue bar
  • Please set grid default to off for guest users
  • Please set frames to hide for guest users
  • Please enable hiding of UI chrome. 

Each of these items is creating a mickey mouse experience for essential clients and impacting business.


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  • June 23, 2020

@Nate Gerber & @Timm Shrago  :

In one case I have recommended miro to teachers of a facebook-community with over 10.000 members.

One thing they discussed is the blue bar and the missing password protection and the register need at the beginning.

Miro hasn’t made it into the nearer competition because of this stop-for-teachers-with-pupil-elements here in Germany.

Miro itself kicked them out because of this no-go-elements.

I felt so deeply disappointed because I had no chance that anyone of this teacher community listened to me …

Please change this miro … I just recommended miro to an important person - with a huge community and maybe an educational license or more with many many users and additional licences ... and hope that it will make it into the focus … but with this (like it is now … the chances are not so big) ...


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  • June 23, 2020
mlanders wrote:

@Nate Gerber :

In one case I have recommended miro to teachers of a facebook-community with over 10.000 members.

One thing they discussed is the blue bar and the missing password protection and the register need at the beginning.

Miro hasn’t made it into the nearer competition because of this stop-for-teachers-with-pupil-elements here in Germany.

Miro itself kicked them out because of this no-go-elements.

I felt so deeply disappointed because I had no chance that anyone of this teacher community listened to me …

Please change this miro … I just reccomended miro to some important - with a huge community and maybe an educational license or more with many many users ... and hope that it will make it into the focus …


@mlanders :

Sorry to hear that Michael.

For what it’s worth, I want to add my voice to this requirement.

Passwords on public links is essential for my clients.  I’m on the consultant plan but getting pushback from clients about security fears.  We need password protection on public links.


As for the blue-bar on guest users, this is fine as a pop-up but you need to be able to close it without clicking on the Login or Sign up options.  Add a third: ‘Continue as Guest’ or something like that and then make that banner GO AWAY before our clients complain too much an go away.


Miro is a great and powerful tool but if you miss the voice of the customer on this, it will come back to haunt you.  I’m telling you this because I want to stay.  Help me do that.


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  • July 8, 2020

Password protecting a public board is a ‘must have’ feature for our company. Running workshops works great with Miro and our colleagues absolutely love collaborating with your tool. However, not having the Password protect feature is a major issue and a big enough concern for us to not scale up or consider phasing out Miro and switching to MURAL.

Please add this feature.I agree with @Roger Porthouse that this will come back to haunt you. This feature request is A: in your top 10 of requested features with 42 votes and top 3 most viewed ideation topic with 3k views (customers) and B: security related. We would like to stay customer and scale up, so help us out. 

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  • July 9, 2020

Agree with all of the comments regarding Password protection on public share link - this is a must have and I really hope this comes out soon. I want to get my team excited about using Miro and at the moment this is a complete blocker to that. 

Timm Shrago wrote:

Hi @mlanders @Patrick Mooney @Kiron Bondale 
Thank you for proposing and elaborating on the idea of seamless and secure access to boards.
We’re currently working on providing greater security for public boards so you will see it in the product in the near future.

Any Updates to this? :confused:  @Timm Shrago 

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • July 22, 2020

Folks - 

look at this page as I think our request is being fulfilled :grin: :


Kiron Bondale wrote:

Folks - 

look at this page as I think our request is being fulfilled :grin: :


Hey Kiron, 

Many thanks for this hint! :grin: