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Running first Ice Breaker Session!

  • October 30, 2020
  • 2 replies

Hi - I’m running my first Miro ice-breaker with my leadership team of 32 people. My thought is to use our usual meeting platform, Zoom, and then share my Miro screen while asking everyone ahead of time to be logged in their Miro account. Then those who haven’t created their Miro account yet can see the others participating and will see how they too can use Miro for their teams.


I don’t quite get yet how to ouse the Miro video/chat with over 30 people (of which so far about 20 have created their Miro accounts) since I would have to go to Zoom eventually to continue with our regular meeting.


In your opinion, will my Zoom + Miro plan work?


With thanks in advance for your input!




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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • October 30, 2020

@C Hack -

This is how I normally teach my courses using a combination of Zoom & Miro as I need to share more than just the Miro board with participants. It works fine but you should make sure you don’t “over-optimize” Zoom performance in the settings as that may impact Miro performance.


Isman Tanuri
  • Miro Hero
  • 250 replies
  • October 31, 2020

@C Hack It’s best to work with Zoom for the quality of conferencing and stability. 

One of the downsides is that if you’re working exclusively in Miro, you don’t get to see the faces of the other participants.

Also, for people who have never used Miro before, starting up and heading into it is a very foreign experience. The Zoom screensharing will be helpful in this case. You can show them what you’re seeing, do a demo of the tools you’re using, make sure they’re comfortable and then, if you wish, move them off the screenshare. You can’t do this using the Miro video chat.

Also, PS for me, personally as a facilitator, the Miro demo is non-negotiable unless you’re 100% sure that everyone is really comfortable in Miro. You can see how I do it here (I’ve cued it up to that moment):