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Full Screen in Notion

  • January 27, 2021
  • 2 replies

I’ve noticed that I can’t go full screen on some Miro boards that I have embedded into Notion. I don’t know what the problem is. As far as I can tell, there is no difference in the settings between the boards.

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2 replies

Boris Borodyansky

Hey Visakh, thanks for sharing that!

We found a bug, that if you board view in Notion is not big enough, the fullscreen button gets hidden, and do not appear until you make the width bigger and reload the page.

We find this behaviour as not optimal and will see how we can change it for better UX :muscle:


Brian Royce

I had the same problem. The Notion “integration” is just not useful. It does not show comments or anything else. But this is a Notion issue since they created the embed feature, moreso than Muro.
