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Miroverse Templates Challenge: Team Building Games (DATE EXTENDED)

Miroverse Templates Challenge: Team Building Games (DATE EXTENDED)

Hi Miro Community!


🌟🎮  At our 2023 virtual community event, Into the Miroverse, Said Saddouk perfectly represented this year’s theme — work happy — with a sensational Miro game-buildilng demonstration. 🎮🌟


Games in Miro can be used as team icebreakers, kicking off large meetings, or simply good fun with friends and family to deepen relationships with people around the globe.


With Said as our esteemed guest judge, we’re kicking off a Miro game contest! 🏆


Join in the fun for a chance to showcase your talents and share your favorite games with Miro users far and wide. At the end, we’ll crown two winners: 

  • One winner of our Judge’s Choice award will receive an ✨iPad
  • One winner of our People’s Choice award will receive a ✨75 $ Amazon gift card


You can submit as many game templates as you’d like to compete for the top prizes! Pls, each participant who submits a template will get one Miro Shop coupon code to save on your favorite Miro goodies!


📆 The details 📆

  • Submission period: June 5 – July 27
  • People’s Choice voting period (likes + copies): June 5 – July 28
  • Judge’s Choice selection: July 28
  • Winners announced: July 31

Templates will be judged on the following criteria:

  • 🎯 Relevance: Have you created a game that works well in Miro?
  • 🎨 Layout and design: Is your game organized, attractive, and easy to navigate?
  • 🔧 Ease of use: Is your game understandable and playable? If complex, does it have clear instructions?


💡Getting started 💡

Do you have a favorite existing game you can recreate in Miro? What about games you’ve played with your team, friends, or family that would work well in Miro’s infinite canvas? You can also think about games that solve common problems, like remembering names or getting everyone on the team to participate. 


For more tips and inspiration, watch Said’s Into the Miroverse session, join Said’s Fun & Games community group, or check out the Icebreakers & Games category in MIroverse. All ideas are welcome!


🎉 Participation rules and instructions 🎉

To enter the competition, submit your template to Miroverse and select the MONTHLY CHALLENGE category. After your submission is approved, please double-check the Monthly Challenge category to ensure your template (1) has been posted and (2) it appears correctly and in the right category.

  • By participating in the challenge, you agree that your submission may be published and used for promotional activities by Miro.


👥 Community organizers and judges 👥

  • @Said Saddouk, Facilitainer, Fun & Games User Group Leader. Winner of the Best in Miroverse 2022 Fun and Games award with his Pictionary game template.
  • TBD

Happy collaborating, and good luck! 🌟



4 replies

Userlevel 3

Thanks for posting this..will try to participate.  :) 




Userlevel 7
Badge +2

@aman I hope you join, would be lovely to see your Miroverse creations :)

Hi @Helena Brandist ,
I’ve just realised that the deadline was extended to the end of August.
Is this challenge closed now or is it possible to re-extend the deadline to... 🤔 Sept 30.
Might have more participants, returning from a long summer holiday.

I’d gladly join, in that case :) 




Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Hey there, Miro Heroes!

Ready to hear some big news?! With some delay, but the Miroverse Marketing Team, consisting of @Hanne Keiling , @McCall Turner, @Boris Ageev, and @Natalie Nedre, has thoroughly reviewed all the Team Building Games templates submitted to Miroverse this summer, and it’s finally time to announce the winners!


Drumroll, please… 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁

  • The judge’s choice for the Scrum Jeopardy goes to @Tyler Latshaw! 🖖 
  • The people’s choice award goes to @Patricia Vaskova for the most-loved and copied Guessing Jar Game! 🏆


Congratulations to our amazing winners and to all who participated!

Winners, I’ll reach out shortly via DM with the next steps for prizes.


Stay tuned for our next challenge to be announced in November!

As always, happy collaborating!



