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How Do You Miro? Planning Templates Challenge 🎯

How Do You Miro? Planning Templates Challenge 🎯

Hi Miro Heroes, 

And hello, spring! :seedling:


We’re kicking off the next Miro templates contest: How Do You Miro? Planning Templates Challenge

✨ In the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Planning can be hard work but without this stage, managing projects becomes even harder. It provides clarity, context, and helps keep teams aligned. 

So with this How Do You Miro challenge, we want to know how you go beyond first sketches to create plans and manage projects - from start to finish. 

🧙‍♀️ Show the Miro Community how you make wishes come true!


:pencil:  Challenge details


  • Submission period: March, 3 - March, 31

  • Voting & Judging: April, 1 - April, 7

  • Winners announcement: April, 8



:mortar_board:  Judges’ Choice: we have a panel of three expert judges to choose the best template. Submissions will be judged for their ease of use, layout, and fun factor.

:ballot_box:  People’s Choice: this award will be based on top likes under the submission here in the online community. Make sure to vote for your favourite by April 8th!


How to participate

To enter, please write a comment in this thread including:

  • Your full name

  • Role and company

  • Miro board embed with your template (view access)

  • Instructions on how to use the template

  • [Optional] 1-3 min video overview of your template.


Entry requirements

  • Created and designed with Miro

  • All information must belong to the board owner (we will reject all submissions containing copyright protected content on board)

  • Must be in English

  • Your template should be added to Miroverse before the challenge deadline.

:ballot_box_with_check:  By participating in the challenge, you agree that your submission may be published and used for promotional activities by Miro.


:nerd:  Judges

  • Community Guest Judge: Huub Edelman, Senior Innovation Program Manager at Outside Inc. (part of Worldstartup) - Daily, Huub tries to unlock the creative potential of people and structure the creative process to achieve real impact. As a creative catalyst, he uses Miro to drive online co-creation with clients all over the globe working on the big transitions of our time.
    Outside Inc.’s Mountain of Tomorrow - Project Launch Canvas Miroverse template.

  • Miro Knowledge Expert: Falon Dominguez - Falon leads strategy and planning efforts at Miro, including the company OKR process. Falon was previously at Google and Facebook, and recently graduated from The Wharton School.
    See Falon's Miroverse templates.

  • Miroverse Team Judge: Mariam Danielian - Mariam coordinates the content production for Miro templates and oversees Miroverse templates library publications. She is inspired by the creativity of Miro users who turn an endless empty canvas into a universe of their own creation and is passionate about sharing their work with others.


:gift:  Prizes

  • Judges’ Choice - iPad & Apple Pencil 

  • People’s Choice - AirPods

  • Miro swag to all participants :heart_eyes:

All submissions will be considered for Miroverse. Apart from this, we will also feature the winners in Miroverse as well as a blog post.


:question: FAQ

Q: The template is awesome! Can I use/copy it? 
A: All templates should eventually be added to Miroverse, so please stay tuned! If you need this template right away, please reach out to the author directly.


Q: Can I post more than one idea?
A: Yes.


Q: How to embed the board?
A: It’s easy! All you need to do is to choose Embed media under the three-dots menu and paste the Miro board URL. Make sure to accept cookies to be able to embed the board.


:bulb:  Check your board’s Start view as it defines the board preview in the embed. You can set the start view by right-clicking on a blank space on the board and choosing the corresponding option.


Q: I can’t embed the board. ‘The provided domain is not supported’ error
A: Please accept cookies in order to be able to embed the Miro board.


Q: Can I win both prizes? 
A: No, one submission can’t win both awards. If there’s such a case, then the People’s Choice will go to the submission with the second largest number of likes.



Good luck! :rocket:


Was it helpful?

21 replies

Ruslan Kildeev
  • Ruslan Kildeev

  • Program Producer & Digital Host @ MitOst e.V.

  • Miro board embed with your template (view access):


  • Instructions on how to use the template:

    Living in a digital reality for more than a year has taught one important lesson — you have to properly plan everything. Even such a “small” event as team updates.

    This template helps you to run weekly team updates (for some also known as standup meetings) in a simple yet very efficient manner! It's highly adjustable & simple to work with.

  • How to use the template:

    0. The instructions are built into the template — you can always refer to them!

    1. Type in your name (name of your project, department, etc.) in the inner circle & choose one sticky notes color.

    2. Share what has happened in the past week (next circle).

    3. Share what is planned for the next week (next circle).

    4. Read through colleagues' updates & leave your comments, questions, reactions.

    5. Discuss possibilities for collaboration & synergies using the outer circle.

    Great! You've just managed a huge updates session in half an hour.

Ruslan Kildeev
  • Ruslan Kildeev

  • Program Producer & Digital Host @ MitOst e.V.

  • Miro board embed with your template (view access): 


  • Instructions on how to use the template:
    Sometimes we need less complex structures to focus on the essence. Here is a template to plan for a year, or several years, ahead. Quite simple & self-explanatory. 

Ruslan Kildeev

Ruslan Kildeev

Program Producer & Digital Host @ MitOst e.V.

Miro board embed with your template (view access): 


Instructions on how to use the template:


This template can be useful for individuals, teams, and organizations planning for a meaningful enterprise (in any sense — from founding a new company to hosting a family dinner). It is inspired by the ideas of Simon Sinek presented in his book “Start with why”. The template mainly refers to The Golden Circle model


About the model

The Golden Circle is a model proposed by Simon Sinek, that provides a framework upon which:

  • organizations can be built,
  • movements can be led,
  • projects can be run, and
  • people can be inspired.

The core idea is that it all starts with WHY.


About the template

Post sticky notes starting from the inner circle to the outer one. The suggested guiding questions can help:


  • What is your purpose?
  • What is your core belief?
  • What change do you want to bring?


  • What differentiates you from others?
  • What is your unique selling proposition (USP)?
  • Which values & principles guide your actions?


  • What do you do to bring your WHY to life?
  • What products & services do you produce?
  • What is your concrete offering to the world?

Crucial point

WHAT you do must be consistent with HOW and WHY


All the guiding information is integrated in the template as well.



Sinek, S. (2009). Start with why: how great leaders inspire everyone to take action / by Simon Sinek. Portfolio, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

Andrea Panzavolta

Andrea Panzavolta - Italy

Facilitator in Formattiva

How to use the template

This template it’s useful for teams, and organizations (private and public) to innovate services, relations of the team members or with clients and to imagine new projects. It’s inspired by the EASW method (European Awareness Scenario Workshop), developed by the European Commission's Innovation Programme in 1994 as a way of promoting awareness and planning for sustainability in the urban environment. I suggest max 20 participants with one facilitator.

Description “frame to frame”

1st frame: a warm-up on the opening just to understand the mood of the participants. You can arrange another one at the end to understand something it’s changed the mood after the workshop.

2nd frame: describe the scenario and explain that it’s important to be very negative and very positive, don’t stay in the grey zone. Choose the four categories more representative of your situation.

3rd and 4th frames: build the scenarios (negative and positive) and post as many sticky notes  you want. What services, team members, projects and clients in the 2031? Each scenario need circa 30 minutes (10 minutes individual work; 20 minutes in plenary guided by the facilitator)

5th frame: (after a 10 minutes break ) ask participants What are the common themes? (15 minutes activity). So cluster common themes, describe the themes using the tables and, at the end, use the voting features to collect preferences (20 minutes activity).

Leave the dashboard open for comments for a week, so participants could complete to fill the table.


  • Miro Hero
  • 1 reply
  • March 22, 2021

Name: Freddie Gibbons

Role: Consultant at Sense Worldwide

Miro Board: 



Here are three separate templates in one board, we wanted to include all three in one submission as we feel they work together to create a great start to a project. 

At Sense Worldwide we thrive with ambiguity - no two projects are the same. This is why we use these templates, it allows us to adapt and change for any scenario.

All the below information + Additional context can be found in the Board: 



This is a template designed for internal kick off's with the whole team to undertake at the start of a new project. This is not designed to create the entire project workflow, but instead to make sure we can hit the ground running.

Who: The core team who will be working on the project.

When: At the very start but after the team has been given time to familiarise with the core material.


  • Work through the questions as a team making sure to add any applicable questions as you move along.
  • After completing take the information from Roles & Responsibility and Key Actions to create a project timeline in your preferred software (We use Google Sheets).



This is a template designed for external kick off's where the client is involved as well as the core project team.

At Sense Worldwide we are all about dealing with ambiguity, this template is designed to be adapted to any type of project, allowing you to add in/remove applicable questions for the conversation.

Who: This should be a selection of those in the core project team (Max 2-3 ) as well as those external stakeholders that will be involved (Such as the client team).

When: To be done after the Internal Team Kick-Off and should be closer to the start of a project.


  • Pre-populate the 'Have we heard you correctly?' section with a collection of ‘how might we's’ that reframe the challenge.
  • Add in any applicable questions to the other areas.
  • Take the client through each piece using the questions to guide the conversation but not control it.



This is an internal weekly meeting template. Use this at the start of the week to ensure there is full team alignment on what needs to be done this week, how we can improve, and who is doing what.

Who: This should be the internal core team only

When: To be repeated every Monday & Friday to ensure each week runs smoothly.


  • On a Monday Before the meeting, the team should all individually consider each question and then come together to share their personal objectives for each space.
  • What are we shipping - This is all about the activities that need to be completed this week, whether internal or external.
  • What can we scale - This is all about scaling up activities, how can we improve, what can we be doing better?
  • Who can offer support - This is all about the individuals in the team, it's an opportunity to say if you need support and for others to offer it.
  • On a Friday the team should review the board to ensure all pieces have been complete, and if not create a plan to get them done. 




Ruslan Kildeev

Ruslan Kildeev

Program Producer & Digital Host @ MitOst e.V.

Miro board embed with your template (view access):


Instructions on how to use the template:

Planning and facilitating a meeting in a digital space has its own peculiarities: weak connection, screen fatigue, lack of personal contact and small talks during breaks. However, it is still possible to run them in a nice productive way.

This template provides a structure for a facilitated session held online. Inside, you’ll have a number of frames presenting all main elements of such a session, or workshop. Going from the left frame in the first row and to the right one in the last row will give you an image of an online workshop.

To run an effective engaging workshop online, you need to think about the following parts:

  • intro to & framing the session;
  • proper onboarding of the participants;
  • presenting agenda;
  • check in;
  • input;
  • Q&A;
  • interaction such as group work;
  • harvesting;
  • feedback;
  • check out;
  • follow up.

This template is a ready-made solution offering a menu of options to design a meeting online. Simply remove the non-relevant boards, fill in the others with content, and you’re all set!

Have fun, and let your sessions engage!

Michelle Murphy


Your full name - Michelle Murphy

Role and company - Director of Production & Operations at Use All Five

Miro board embed with your template (view access) 


Instructions on how to use the template

Quarterly resource planning made easy with Miro! This board gives a bird’s eye view of where your resources are allocated in a given quarter. By plotting out resources already assigned on this template, you can easily identify gaps needed to fill by hiring, and quickly see whether or not you can take on more work.

Step by step instructions as follows:

  1. Duplicate this board for your own purposes
  2. Update the timing across the top, per your needs (i.e. we are about to start Q2 2021)
  3. Adjust the project names on the left-hand side in teal (for one time projects) and purple (for ongoing maintenance work) with project names of your own. Delete or add rows by copy/pasting
  4. Working across the board, fill in which resources are assigned to each project. For our studio, we denoted designers & creatives in blue and developers & engineers in yellow. Pink represents our freelance resources, and red is used for a gap not yet filled. You can easily move resource bands from month to month based on your project timing, and shorten or lengthen the band per your needs. Lastly, input the project owners on the right-hand grey column
  5. Next work down the board, filling in resources for each project
  6. Once you’re done filling out the main board, we like to tally up how many projects each resource is allocated to in the left-most table on the board. This is not necessary but helps quickly identify if you are overtaxing or underutilizing certain resources
  7. We also find it helpful, but optional, to call out any upcoming vacations to the right of the board. Once we’ve added vacations, we can see if we need to backfill a resource on a certain project during a given time period
  8. I would recommend setting a monthly cadence of reviewing this with upper management as well as adding a row whenever a new project is won, or deleting a row as soon as one is complete


Ruslan Kildeev

Ruslan Kildeev (supported by Ekaterina Kniazkova)

Program Producer & Digital Host @ MitOst e.V.

Miro board embed with your template (view access): 


Instructions on how to use the template:

core idea:

  • Hero's Wheel is a framework for designing user's behavior in relation to our product (in a wide sense)
  • let's consider our user a hero
  • according to Campbell, every hero* follows a certain development path, or goes for a hero's journey
  • this hero's journey serves as a basis for the Hero's Wheel

* “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself,” — Joseph Campbell


this framework can help:

  • to better understand our users with their pains & needs
  • to comprehend the gap between the existing solutions & the desired outcomes
  • to make our product a perfect fit for each segment of our users


this template is useful for:

  • designing a new product
  • developing a strategy for a company, product, communications
  • analyzing & segmenting audiences (users, customers, consumers)


how to work with the template:

  • the right-hand half of the wheel relates to the hero only, while the left-hand one focuses on the hero & their interaction with our product
  • the inner circle focuses on the hero themselves (user, customer) and their thoughts & feelings
  • the outer circle covers the environment & attributes around the hero
  • each sections has a serial number — you go step by step filling in the template with details (check the guiding questions around the wheel) but can always come back & add new insights



  • Campbell, J. (1949). The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Pantheon Books, USA.
  • Erskine, R. G. (2011). Attachment, Relational-Needs, and Psychotherapeutic Presence. URL: ResearchGate
  • Make Sense, A system of scenario design

Brandon Zhou

Full Name: Brandon Zhou

Role and Company: Project Consultant, Education Design Lab 



Link to Board: 


Your Project Charter is a space for your team to organize, brainstorm, and plan long-term projects. In the “Project Brief” frame, your team can chart the course for your project, thinking specifically about the background, design question, goals and expected outcomes, and team members. This project brief is designed to be a living document that will change and adapt as your project moves forward. So, make sure to always refer back to the design question and update your SMART goals! The next frame, the “Running Team Agenda,” is a space for your project team to regularly check-in with each other. The agenda includes a space for team members to meaningfully connect with each other in a delightful way, along with provide updates and share any asks they have with the rest of the team. This agenda can be adapted to your team’s specific needs and agenda items. Enjoy! 

Carla Figueira C

Full Name: Carla Figueira
Role and company: Product Designer at Toasty 🍞
Link to the board

Our team is 100% distributed and all of us work remotely, so it’s very important we have an easy to follow process that is effective when managing our projects.

We’ve included easy to follow instructions on the template itself. After jotting down high level parameters, like the goal and start date, we go through these high level steps together.

1 - Kick-off 🥊
We first kick off a project with a clear purpose. We then identify problems that are in our way, and opportunities available to us when we solve these problems. We brainstorm about high-level solutions and the associated parameters and risks that come with implementing those solutions. At this point, the team should have a clear understanding of why this project exists, what problem we are solving, and a general idea of how to solve it.

Actions to take: write down on sticky notes what the purpose is, problems that are in the area, and possible solutions to those problems. Keep things simple and high-level.

2 - Confirm Scope 🔭
In every project, one of the biggest enemies is “scope-creep”. Because we are a small (but mighty) team, we always need to balance the ideal solution with what can be done. And we challenge ourselves to include what is absolutely necessary to be in scope, and what is merely “nice to have”.

Actions to take: consider all project risks, the team’s overall capabilities, and any dependencies and timeline restrictions, remove all the tasks and initiatives that do not contribute to the results (think the 80/20 rule).

3 - Divide and Conquer 👨‍👩‍👧
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships”. 

Knowing who we are as a team, and the key contributions we each bring to the table, our solution implementation is filtered through our collective “team-awareness”, to ensure we do not overstretch or overcommit to a solution that we cannot execute well in. At this point, roles and responsibilities are identified and each member owns a certain part of the process and outcome.

Actions to take: each team member picks up a sticky note and writes down their key contribution and considerations.

4 - Track Progress 📏

With the project underway, it is key for the entire team to have a clear view of the overall progress, on a task level. We chose Kanban as our way to track tasks. Some of our favorite tools are Clubhouse and Trello. We are delighted to see Miro has Kanban built-in and can easily link to any action item.

Actions to take: connect with your own kanban system and plan out your swimlanes

5 - Share Resources & Notes ✍🏻
This isn’t really a step but as the project continues, our team members are likely to run into useful resources, documentation, and links that can help save time and effort or produce better results. It’s good practice to keep all resources handy in a shared space.

Well, there you have it. Hope this is helpful for everyone. 🙌🏻

Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are! 💕

  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • March 24, 2021

Hi everyone,

:warning:  Please note that we’ve changed the dates of the challenge:

  • Submission period: March, 3 - March, 31

  • Voting & Judging: April, 1 - April, 7

  • Winners announcement: April, 8

We hope more people will be able to participate and share their templates :pray_tone2:

Jen Fox
  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • March 24, 2021

Jennifer Fox 

head of product & operations, Sesh


*finally! a roadmap that is not a gantt chart!*

This template was inspired by our agile, and fully remote team’s desire to have transparency into in-progress initiatives that impact the entire company. We needed a roadmap that wasn’t time based (because we are not waterfall), nor a full-time job to manage (because I am not a project manager.)

This format acts as a great co-creation tool to quickly gather requirements with stakeholders and immediately see the potential impact on delivery.

This roadmap showcases the greater vision and journey of the company, while providing enough detail so that anyone on the team can discern what we’re working on, and the breadth of work involved. 

We hope it does the same for the other product teams in the miro  community!

What makes this roadmap agile? 

  1. not a gantt chart

  2. not measured in time or cost (waterfall)

  3. prioritised by value

  4. easy to manage and shift priorities quickly

  5. Its flexible and fun

Template Instructions: 


 *pro-tips available in the template!

How do I use this?

  1. name your initiatives. if you need more, just duplicate!

  2. identify your epics in each roadmap track

  3. define your feature sets using grids. we like to organise ours with personas or product lines

  4. set milestone markers to highlight big events

  5. track your progress by marking stickies 'in progress' and 'complete'

  • Group Leader
  • 31 replies
  • March 24, 2021
  • Name:  Annie MacLeod

  • Role and company:  Co-Founder Project Management Gameboard

  • Miro board embed with your template (view access):  

    Project Timeline Builder

    About:  This template is a subsection of the Project Management GameBoard - our system for teaching project management to non-project managers and especially for collaborative teams. 

The Project Timeline Builder is used to facilitate a series of 3 workshops that takes the initial ideas for a project and through stakeholder and project team collaboration develops the project timeline to ensure it is achievable and that the team has accountability and full input into the projects success.  

  • Instructions on how to use the template:  Instructions are on the board, an example is on the board as well as a video with a walkthrough of the example.  

  • [Optional] 1-3 min video overview of your template.



  • Group Leader
  • 31 replies
  • March 24, 2021
  • Name:  Annie MacLeod

  • Role and company:  Co-Founder Project Management Gameboard

  • Miro board embed with your template (view access): 

PMGB Project Scope Template 

  • About:  This template is a subsection of the Project Management GameBoard - our system for teaching project management to non-project managers and especially for collaborative teams. 

The PMGB Project Scope Template is used to facilitate a series of workshops that takes the initial ideas for a project and through stakeholder and project team collaboration develops the project scope to ensure it is clearly understood, aligned to corporate direction and stakeholder expectations.  



Hello  :wave_tone2:  and thank you for checking out my template!


Monalisa Labrador

Lead Designer @ Plugable Technologies 


Miro Template

Image Planning Template




At Plugable Technologies, we sell over 120+ USB, USB-C, and Thunderbolt products combined. We sell products such as docking stations, adapters, and many more. We also provide tech information and local based support. Plugable sells their products through Amazon and all of our images are taken in-house. Planning and reviewing images became a hassle; our tools didn’t support the large photos files and feedback was never in one place. 

The new image planning process utilizing Miro allows us to brainstorm and plan effortlessly for all of the products. Even more so during the pandemic. We are able to easily add in large files and be able to communicate feedback all within the Miro app. We are also able to add in additional information such as marketing analysis and mood boards to help us make better design decisions. Using this template has made it easier for cross-functional teams to communicate, make clear and effective decisions when educating our consumers through our images.  





To get started, create a new board using this image template.

  1. Research

    • Collect all information about the product and its competitors in the “Market / Competitive Analysis” and “Research” section.

    • Analyze given marketing, competitor information and constraints.

    • Identify the types of images that need to be created for the product listing.

      - May also add in inspiration in the “Inspo” section under “Research”
  2. Sketch & Take Photos

    • After identifying the types of images under “Amazon Tile Images” create sketches of the types of images. Add in a draft text.

      - Repeat for the “A+ Content” as well. 

    • Then cast a photoshoot for the images.

  3. Review

    • Add images from the photoshoot and adjust the text. 

    • Add adjusted text to images for both the “Amazon Tile Images” and “A+ Content” and send out for the first review. 

    • Reviewers will comment and sign off.

  4. Update & Finalize 

    • Create final updates.

    • Finalize images.

    • Create “Other” images for various platforms.

  5. Last but not least,

    • Follow the “Handoff” checklist to ensure files and images are correctly named and uploaded to Drive for Launch!

This may not suit everyone but it’s been a useful process thus far! I hope you all can at least benefit from some parts of this Image Planning Process.


Have a great day! :nerd:

Hi! My name is Saaleha Shamsi and I’m the Executive Assistant at Crawford Collaborative Consulting


The following link will take you to the goals and vision board template:



Instructions on how to use the template:

As your team or organization enters a new quarter or year, your goals, visions, and plans will change with the world around us. Use this template to plan ahead and set goals that be achieved. 

  1. Copy and paste your team or organization’s mission and vision statements in the indicated boxes. Take some time to discuss what could be done to improve these statements. 
  2. Set goals in the categories of “More,” “Same,” “Less.” Use these terms to prompt dialogue between peers and colleagues like “What would you like to see more of? What should remain the same? What could we do less of?” Try to continue to use positive language, regardless of the category!
  3. After setting the goals, give each a short description. Leave enough detail that if you and your team was to come back to look at this map in three months or six months you would understand what you were aiming for.  
  4. Using the stickies, allow team members to record what achieving these goals look and feel like. 
  5. Based off of this information, take some time to create tangible action steps to achieve these goals. 
  6. Continue to come back to this template at your team’s chosen intervals. This could be monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually. As your team works to achieve these action steps, move the stickies to the appropriate columns. 




  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • April 1, 2021

Hi @Ruslan Kildeev @Andrea Panzavolta @Freddie @Michelle Murphy @Brandon Zhou @Carla Figueira C @Jen Fox @Annie @Monalisa Labrador @Saaleha Shamsi, and all the guests of this challenge :wave_tone2:

Many thanks to all participants for sharing your amazing boards! 


I’m here to tell you that we are closing this thread for new submissions, and our judges take a week to choose the winner :nerd:

:ballot_box:  Public voting for the People’s Choice is also open until April 7th (EOD), so let’s get voting! Please put a thumbs-up under the post if you like the template. Participants can also share a link to this thread with your network and get their support (:warning:NOTE: we only count the likes :thumbsup_tone2: under your comment here in the Miro online community).


Stay tuned! We will get back to you on April 8th and announce the winners :trophy:


  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • April 8, 2021

Hi everyone and especially @Ruslan Kildeev @Andrea Panzavolta @Freddie @Michelle Murphy @Brandon Zhou @Carla Figueira C @Jen Fox @Annie @Monalisa Labrador @Saaleha Shamsi :blush:

Ta-da! I am happy to announce the winners of this How Do You Miro? Planning Templates Challenge :confetti_ball:


Ladies and gentlemen, 

:drum::drum::drum:  The winners are:

Our congratulations! :clap_tone2::clap_tone2::clap_tone2:

The prizes are already on their way to the winners and all the participants.
The winners will also see a new badge in their community profile soon :military_medal:


We want to thank everyone for participating in this challenge and sharing your awesome boards! Most of these templates will soon appear in our Miroverse and will become available to all Miro users.


Stay tuned for the next challenge! :bellhop: And if you don’t want to miss it, subscribe to this category to receive an email notification when we launch a new contest.


Have a good one :blue_heart:

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • April 8, 2021

Congratulation to @Jen Fox and @Andrea Panzavolta :dizzy::boom::tada:


Andrea Panzavolta

Thank you Marina and Michael, all the Miro staff and all the participants who voted for this challenge!! Thanks to Gerardo De Luzenberger of that inspires and supports the development of the template!


Jen Fox
  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • April 8, 2021

Wow! Thank you @Marina & @mlanders for the opportunity to compete in this contest! @Andrea Panzavolta congratulations on your victory! This was an exciting challenge and we are so inspired by everyone’s submissions. Shout out to the Sesh team for their support, I’m so proud of the work we did! @serenae @cauri jaye @Sierra 

we use this template a lot and we hope it helps other teams as well.