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✨ Every month, our community makes magic

  • September 1, 2021
  • 0 replies


Hi everyone :hugging:

:sparkles:  Every month, our community makes magic. I can’t wait to show you some of the latest and greatest things your fellow community members are doing! 


:heart_eyes:  Community stories you don’t want to miss!

:star2:  We recently talked with @Nina Torr — artist, illustrator, lecturer and our first community templates challenge winner — to explore online exhibitions in Miro, like Exquisite Corpse 5.0.

:paperclip:  Read the full interview

Exquisite Corpse board


:star2:  @Isman Tanuri wants to hear from people leaders working in organisations: how do you use Miro to engage and inspire your co-workers and to encourage open team conversations?

:paperclip:  Share your opinion


:star2:  @Patty Dowdy recorded a video walkthrough of an integrative thinking case study. 

:paperclip:  Watch now


:star2:  Our Miroverse Coordinator, @Helena Brandist, shares her selection of inspiring Miroverse templates. Filmmaking, systemic privilege, and getting lost in a desert.

:paperclip:  Check them out


:star2:  A very important discussion was raised by @Max Harper about dreams, visions for the future, and climate change.

:paperclip:  What are YOU planning?


Nina, Patty, Isman, Helena, and Max will be happy to hear from you! :raised_hands_tone1:
Leave your comments right in their posts.​​​


 :trophy:  Want some fun? Take part in our challenges!

This contest is all about best practices for online whiteboarding and classroom collaboration. We’d love to see your favorite activities for online or blended classes that work on the virtual whiteboard.

I know we have the most creative community here. 
Don’t miss a chance to get some Miro Swag! 

Show and tell! A screenshot of the board with a short description will be just perfect.​​​


:handshake:  Community event shout out

We had an amazing community event on Aug 12 - Community Clinic with Miro Heroes!

While there are many Miro Heroes in our midst, we asked an international group of passionate virtual facilitation and virtual collaboration practitioners to help us help our community. Attendees were organized in groups of like-minded peers with our Miro Heroes who helped folks discover more about the platform, the benefits, and advanced use cases for Miro.

Shout outs to our APAC user leaders @Isman Tanuri and @Joshua William Davies!

Read Isman’s recap on LinkedIn




:v_tone1:  And finally. Keen to learn what inspired @Alexis Luscutoff, our User Community Lead?
You will love this video message:


Thank you, @Alexis Luscutoff, for sharing your thoughts with the community! :hugging:  


Your turn! Name one thing that amazed or inspired you in the Miro Community in August :heart_eyes:
Please drop your ideas in the comments :arrow_down:


​Shine even brighter next month, Miro Community!

Marina and the Miro Community Team :heart:

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