When desktop app is installed, opening a Miro link in the browser should not load the board in the browser

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Today when I click a Miro link in an other website/app (like Slack or a wiki) the miro board opens both in the browser and in the Miro desktop app, which is loading content twice.

As I have the desktop app installed, it would be great if the Miro link opens the board in the desktop app, while the browser page can be something simple, or still offer the option to open it in the browser.

Other apps do something similar:

  • Zoom


This is a big frustration for me and several people on my team.

Any feedback at all on this? @Miro Community Team 

Any update at all on this? I’d like to have it just launch the app when I have it installed vs launching the app and the web browser. @Miro Community Team 

@Miro Community Team really quiet on this topic unfortunately… any sign of life from you guys on this?

Won’t do, considering it, on the roadmap, anything really would be welcome. thx

Totally agree withe everyone else. I’m already logged in to the Miro app and you make me log in to Miro on my browser before I can get to the board.  Please fix.

Same issue as above. @Miro Developer Relations @Miro Board @Miro Community Team 

The bigger inconvenience—of having links open first in the web browser prior to launching the Miro board in the desktop app—is having to sign into Miro via the Web browser when I’m already signed into the desktop version of Miro. Having to sign in via the web involves jumping through verification hoops associated with my company’s VPN, etc. Time wasted. 


@Miro Developer Relations @Miro Board @Miro Community Team 

Asked a developer to create this extension. It auto-closes the browser tab when the Miro settings are configured to open links in the desktop app. Please donate if you like it!



This is so annoying. I would love is this gets fixed.

Totally agree with others. When I’m logged in to the Miro app and click a link in email or Teams open the board in the app.  Don’t make me log in to Miro in the browser and then also load the board in the app.  It wastes time multiple times per week.

I agree - this is a high friction point and might lead to users uninstalling the Miro app?

biggest pain ever @Miro Developer Relations @Miro Board @Miro Community Team 

please fix it

I am having an issue where the browser is opening the correct board/frame, but the app isn’t. How do I fix this please? Thanks

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment about this feature. We understand the frustration and appreciate your patience. Our team is reviewing this idea as it continues to be open for votes and comments.

For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

Thank you,

Miro Community Team

This behavior with Miro has been a source of frustration for me as I've been using the app for a few years.

I like using the desktop app, but sometimes, I want to open a board URL in a browser window (such as an incognito window to see what a non-logged-in user would see).

As a Miro user with the desktop app installed, there are two bad options — either view the nagging pop-up and hit "cancel" every time I open a Miro board link in the browser, or accept the fact that it will open the board link in my browser and the desktop app every single time.

Forcing the user to make changes to the Windows registry or editing preference files in the Application Support library for macOS is far from a proper user experience, and if you have the desktop app installed on macOS, editing that preference file results in the nagging pop-up message returning that you will be sick of canceling after the 10th time. You will return to accepting that the boards will always open in the app.

I would rather have control over where I want to open my boards. If I am in my browser, I want them in the browser. If I am using the desktop app, then I want to see them in the app.