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Share content between Miro boards / Board within board

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We have some kind of hierarchical board structure, with team boards and product/program boards. For some items it would be extremely handy to have some information on a board mirrored into another board, usually for information and context but sometimes for collaborating

Using a single board where everyone is piling in all the information is not practical and becomes confusing pretty soon.

What I’m looking is a kind of “wormhole frame” that is part of two or more boards and ideally can be edited on all boards it is in. A good half-way would be the frame updated live but only editable in the original board, with a the wormhole frame on the secondary boards simply showing its contents live.

Is this already possible in any way?




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  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • March 30, 2020

Hi Carlo,

you are talking about something similar to the slidemaster in PowerPoint?
Yes, this would be great!
Or i can create different aereas of my frames as slidemasters that could be a part of every other frame i add into my canvas.

And if i like to i have the option to add this in every new board i add?


  • Author
  • New Here
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  • March 31, 2020

I think slide master functionality would be more complex, also probably that would be best achieved by extending the template concept.

I need a view showing exactly the same contents, live, between multiple boards. This can be done by framing a whole part of the board to be shared, I have no need to keep in sync just some objects in that area. I imagine identifying an area is easier than specific objects given the concept of frame already works quite well for that.

Also we’d need multiple masters: imagine a program board showing dashboards from a number of project boards which create and maintain their dashboards in the specific project/team board.

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • March 31, 2020

Hi Carlo,

i have an idea of what you want.

It could work … but it doesnt.


Someone at miro is this possible via the iframe tool and linking??

Normally this could be a key to a solution.


  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • March 31, 2020


the question of Carlo has brought me to the following experiment and sugesstion:

If i link a content of a miro board, for instance a Sticky and i linkt to a picture, the miro sends me directly to this picture:

I have the follwing wish:

If miro allows the same linking it gives to me when i add content of a website or a youtube video is shown via iframes into my miro board with different sections i link inside … this would be an real joy and adventure and gives me more flexibility in showing my content.

I created a video of what i like to see … if this works for each and every element on my board …. Whooooo:



When i try this now everything i see is this - i want to see the content instead 


  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • April 6, 2020

If you don’t mind, I will move this topic to a Wish List and add your wish with the video as a comment to it, @mlanders  :wink:

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • April 29, 2021

Adding my vote to this feature.  At DrSmile we are actively using Miro for creating user interface wireframes and designing solutions for our IT infrastructure. It is not always convenient to keep everything on one board (we need to separate access and ownership), so we model different parts of UIs and solutions on different boards. At the same time it would be convenient to take some of the screens and diagrams to an overview board, describing the entire customer journey.

It can be even a frame with an preview, linking the overview to the detail board.

Juan Acosta
Marina wrote:

If you don’t mind, I will move this topic to a Wish List and add your wish with the video as a comment to it, @mlanders  :wink:

Is there an update on this? 

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • November 23, 2021

Hi, is there an update on this? I have an exact requirement and i look forward to using this feature soon.

Also looking for this functionality, replying to follow thread.

  • New Here
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  • July 12, 2022

I’m really missing that feature aswell.

We try to keep a structure in our miro boards and follow the Singe Source Of Truth - idea.

So we create a top board, linking to the other boards of that topic. But a link is not the same as actually syncing i.e. a frame between boards, so it could be seen an altered from both ends.

The next iteration would be syncing between multiple boards, but that might be too big a start.

Michael Mardis

This would be an absolute game changer, specifically, if the linked items could be pushed to additional boards. 

  • Beginner
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  • September 21, 2022

I like this as well, since our number of boards are growing we are also looking at a better way to organize the content (and parts of certain boards) 

There are certain elements you need to keep in sync, you dont want to update several boards.


This is the way Notion handles this - can we see such a feature in Miro as well?


Christophe GESCHÉ

  • New Here
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  • November 30, 2022

I’m desperately looking for this possibility, that has become highly essentiel for the work I need to do now...

I’m looking for a way to have:

  1. users update their own frames? Project Spreadsheets? On their own boards with information about their projects management timelines etc…
  2. have another view on a different board that sees all those frames in real time and combines into a single view.


Any suggestions? On FigJam, we were able to create global-master-components that we could update and then reuse and everyone would see the updates

  • Beginner
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  • February 22, 2023

Adding my use case here to this idea:

I’m a product manager building “opportunity solution trees” for software solution discovery (basically simple tree diagrams). I am building these in collaboration with multiple teams and want to be able to share individual trees with certain teams for input. However, I am also looking to have a single board that displays all the trees so that my team can review and work off of the input from all the teams on all the trees. 

So what I picture is a way that i could create several different boards, each with a tree, that teams can collaborate on. Then I would have a board for my team that has frames that are “synced” with the trees in those other boards. So we could work off of a single board, and see any updates that are made in the shared boards.


Miro Community Team wrote:

What is exactly delivered and where?

  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • July 25, 2024
Miro Community Team wrote:

PLEASE share a link  :)
