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select special type in mass selections

  • January 20, 2021
  • 2 replies
  • Dirk Schollbach
    Dirk Schollbach
  • Christy Fair

As a user I want mark all objects of a special type in a certain area in order to switch some properties for all instances of that type.


Example: I have some notes, connected by arrows. I want to mark all notes to change size or color. Unfortunately if I select the area, the arrows are marked as well and changes for notes not possible.

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2 replies

I had a similar use case. This is my solution

Select all items in a specific area → in the popped up menu bar (with lock item, group, aligned etc.) click on filter (XX objects) → select the type.

Hope that solves your problem, too :) 

  • Beginner
  • 1 reply
  • January 16, 2022

@Nicolai Laaber nm. found it! :)

