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Request: Add Guest Senior Editor ([un]lock capability) permission level

My request has not appeared in exactly this form, just complaints or gratitude that Guest Editor unlocking has been removed.

I’m on a Consultant plan. I frequently collaborate with other consultants and client employees in creating or editing boards, for training, for general operations, all sorts of stuff. There is a use case for eliminating locking from permissions for typical Guest Editors: they can make a mess of things. BUT… There’s also an important use case where you want Guest Editors to be able to [un]lock.

Today, I have two major relationships and both of them would benefit from a permission-level allowing a guest to lock/unlock:

  1. one with a fellow trainer who has his own Miro Consultant account, but for me to be able to lock stuff in his boards, well, he has to do it or he has to pay for a team membership for me.
  2. another where I’m working with a team on a single board, with a couple of those folks already having Miro memberships, and either I have to do the locking of their content, or I have to pay for them.

Work-arounds just don’t seem reasonable: either me doing locking under their direction or double-paying Miro for membership fees. This use case is likely common among Consultant-level plans.

Can we create a new “Guest Senior Editor” level that has [un]lock capability? The permission drop down can be “Can edit and [un]lock”.

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