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Private Mode Sessions to be terminated ONLY by the board owner

Related products:Permissions
  • Steve Bumbalough
  • Candace Welch
  • omar_jennane

Adrien Painturier

In the world of education, it would be game-changingly important to have an option for the Board owner to be the ONLY one to be able to terminate a private mode session. That would subsequently enable private, asynchronous work on a board shared with students. 
That would make for a possible private session of work on a common place for students and professor and give the professor / board owner the privilege to decide when student work become public or accessible to each other / the whole group. 😉

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Henrik Ståhl

It is a bit weird that anyone can end a private mode session, to be honest. 😄

Robert Johnson
Henrik Ståhl wrote:

It is a bit weird that anyone can end a private mode session, to be honest. 😄

My thoughts exactly. And, after you initiate it, when the progress bar is counting down, you cannot stop it - albeit, there is a step before where you can cancel the action.


  • New Here
  • April 6, 2023

I agree with @Adrien Painturier’s  idea that allowing the termination of private mode may disrupt the activity for participants who are not familiar with Miro's features. However, for a proficient Miro team, it is convenient for each member to initiate the private mode feature.

Therefore, the best way will vary depending on the participants. Perhaps we can provide a button that allows the board owner to decide whether to open the termination of private mode to everyone.

Henrik Ståhl

Another possible solution could be that only the person initiating the private mode can cancel it. But I guess that might result in other unforeseen issues. 

Adrien Painturier
Henrik Ståhl wrote:

Another possible solution could be that only the person initiating the private mode can cancel it. But I guess that might result in other unforeseen issues. 

That might end up in potential outsider users to sort of “lock” the owner’s board in some situations. 😅
Making the board owner unable to see what is on his·her board. 

Richard Keaney
Adrien Painturier wrote:

In the world of education, it would be game-changingly important to have an option for the Board owner to be the ONLY one to be able to terminate a private mode session. That would subsequently enable private, asynchronous work on a board shared with students. 
That would make for a possible private session of work on a common place for students and professor and give the professor / board owner the privilege to decide when student work become public or accessible to each other / the whole group. 😉

This was exactly my first thought as well when I started looking at how I can use it. Think it is a fabulous feature and overdue but in the world of asynchronous work and distributed teams it would be great to have an option to have the ending of private model to be only at the board owners request.

This will allow us to avoid groupthink where we are going out across stakeholders that are in differing time zones.

I have this exact issue right now.

Agree to all of the above. When working asynchronously, I don’t want anyone else ending private mode. 

Robert Johnson

@Adrien Painturier / @Henrik Ståhl / @Tommy310 / @Richard Keaney / @Mark Emdin 

Since this post and your comments, Miro has updated Private Mode with a Allow anyone to turn off toggle:


While the design and wording of this option does immediately appear to align with your ask of “only the board owner can terminate a private mode session”, I believe that it does solve the biggest issue that literally anyone could end an active private mode session.

With this additional toggle OFF, only the team member or guest (visitors cannot) with edit access who started the session can end it, but the board owner and co-owner will always be able to end any session.

Now that there is an option to limit who can end an active Private Mode session, would you consider this Wish List idea to have been delivered?

Henrik Ståhl

Now that there is an option to limit who can end an active Private Mode session, would you consider this Wish List idea to have been delivered?

@Robert Johnson Yes, definitely!
