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Duplicate Idea (closed)

Presentation Mode - Same Screen for everyone

Related products:Presentation


Context: Miro is a great tool to build simple, yet powerful slides fast. A very valuable feature for business users. 

Problem:But when the host starts his/her presentation, all the other visitors on the board do not see what he sees. Instead they just follow the host on the board. This is a cruicial dealbreaker for that feature, because slides work only well, when the information is delivered focused peace by peace as intended by the storyteller.

Solution: All listeners should automaticly see the same presentation mode that the host / presenter sees. Only in that way the listeners are not distracted by other information on the board and everyone is literally on the same page. 

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Updated idea statusOpenDuplicate Idea (closed)
Idea merged into:
All the votes from this idea have been transferred.

Hey @Michael Nieder, thanks for taking the time to submit your idea. It looks like this is actually a duplicate of an existing request:


To consolidate votes and feedback for this request to one place, I'm going to close out your idea and merge it with the existing one. You can continue to monitor updates and progress at the link above!


Thank you,
Miro Community Team
