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Organize Project

Christophe GESCHÉ

On left of dashboard, we have a list of project

This list is sort by alpha.

The idea to keep it KISS

Choose “separator” (perhaps configurable if some account  have already this symbol in a project name.

If I create the following list of project

  • group 1 - project 1
  • group 1 - project 2
  • group 1 - project 3
  • group 2
  • group 2 - project 1
  • group 2 - project 2
  • group 3 - project 1
  • group 4 - subgroup 1 - project 1
  • group 4 - subgroup 1 - project 2
  • group 4 - subgroup 2 - project 1


It’s display 

  • group 1 >
  • group 2 >
  • group 3 - project 1
  • group 4 >


If I click on group 1

I see

  • < <
  • project 1
  • project 2
  • project 3


If I click on group 2

as group 2 exist, it’s both board container and sub-project container
I see

  • < <
  • group 2
  • project 1
  • project 2

If I click on group 4

I see

  • < <
  • subgroup 1 >
  • subgroup 2 - project 1

Like this, it’s really portable, it’s only an interface hack.

but still a list of project  with a literal name.

So  yes, to rename group 4, I need to rename  3 projects… but  it’s “simple”

(and  a  bulk rename tool can help to resolve this

This technic is compatible  to sort the project list

  • 1 - project red wich must be first
  • 2 - project blue
  • 3 - project green

instead  of

  • project blue
  • project green
  • project red wich must be first

Don’t need to ask to devs to build a drag and drop tool 

Don’t need to ask to devs to store a rank in list  ;)


Related idea :

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18 replies

Anton Telitsyn

Hey @Christophe GESCHÉ!

Anton from Miro product team is here.

Thank you for the suggestion. I truly understand the proposed solution, but I’d like to better understand your needs in order to create the best solution. 

Could you please elaborate on your use case?

How would you like to structure your Miro assets in an ideal world? What is your current workaround? How do you usually do this on other SaaS?

Does the inability for creation sub-folders limit Miro usage?

Sorry for the bunch of questions, if it is more convenient, I’d love to chat with you over Zoom. Drop me a direct message if you are available.



Christophe GESCHÉ
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  • February 18, 2021

I admit that my proposal is solution-oriented and not need-oriented because it is inspired by a similar problem that I had when I was developing an opensource solution 18 years ago where "simplicity" was one of the important points of attention.

Need 1

be able to sort projects

Need 2

Have a notion of sub-folder

I’m not alone.

the strength of my proposal is that it's still flat, which passes for nested via the interface
There is no problem changing the storage to nested.

Like the markdown, the "structure" is readable but in raw list.

I am the admin of miro.
I am also the accompanist for the creator of board.
More by passion than by expertise.

We advocate transparency, so the teams are very large

So a lot of boarding in a lot of themes.

With  very many board   we need more than one level project list

There are 2 ways to classify.

* A tree structure
* a system of labels

The second is much more powerful, but the reflex of all users is the tree. They feel better in this organization.

Note it is very easy to switch from one to the other, just allow a board to be in several "projects".


Christophe GESCHÉ
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  • February 18, 2021


We use share link of miro board, and we share them in  Microsoft Teams/ conversation 


As a small follow-up to this: It would also be great to have a “drag & drop” feature to easily move boards to projects :)

  • Experienced Community Member
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  • July 12, 2021
Anton Telitsyn wrote:

Hey @Christophe GESCHÉ!

Anton from Miro product team is here.

Does the inability for creation sub-folders limit Miro usage?


@Anton Telitsyn:

Definitely: Yes

It is the same question for a Windows/Mac - User if he would miss something when he not get the chance to build Folders/Subfolders

The today workflow is that you can do this and it would really help if we’re able to do this in projects or in our own templates.

The flexibility and the power to organize that miro gives us should be reflected by this:

And of course:
One day we should be able to drag & drop this new folder structure like we know this from all other programs … it should not be today/tomorrow but one day in the near future it really would be a powerful/useful must have. :open_file_folder:  :file_folder:

It should belong to miro like the stickies belong to it.



  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • March 29, 2022

I am starting to be overwhelmed with projects, and Miro’s method of organizing is pretty flat. Imagine having hundreds of boards. How would we find things or know what we have with so many?

I like the idea of project groups or creating folder/subcategories for placing boards. I’d rather not create an external system to handle something that can be handles internal to Miro.

My 2 cents

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • August 10, 2022
Bill Fehr wrote:

I am starting to be overwhelmed with projects, and Miro’s method of organizing is pretty flat. Imagine having hundreds of boards. How would we find things or know what we have with so many?

I like the idea of project groups or creating folder/subcategories for placing boards. I’d rather not create an external system to handle something that can be handles internal to Miro.

My 2 cents

I agree with the above as it defines my current scenario. In addition, people from my team are creating projects and boards without a specific naming convention that makes a lot harder to distinguish them or find the right one.


I’m wondering if there has been any update on the above discussion and if any new feature has been published to support this need.



Hi Anton Telitsyn,

Is there any update on this request? I would also need to work with sub-projects to keep the overview over my high number of Miro boards. If it doesn’t exist, could you perhaps suggest anything else to help organize the single boards better?


Christophe GESCHÉ
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  • September 21, 2022

@Anita Rohner 

My proposition can perhaps start to help you.

Just define a namespacing and apply it to your project names

You just need to decide a separator (like => “ - “)
And rename your project name by full path namespace 

project - subproject - subsubproject

*     visually you have your tree

the pending involve is just about the UX (because with this solution , if you want rename a “project” … you can rename all real project ;(

@Christophe GESCHÉ

Thank you very much for sharing this info. I am not sure if I get it. I would like to store several sub-projects in one major project so that I don’t need to create too many new projects in Miro. What you explained above, does this allow me to not open new projects and keep it all within 1 big project?

Thanks in advance for your response.

Christophe GESCHÉ
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  • September 23, 2022

@Anita Rohner 

Unfortunately no.

The technique that I propose to you is only a visual arrangement.

The object of my idea in this wish list being that the devs of the miro interfaces turn this into a little more than a visual arrangement ;-)

So I simply suggest that you have a "naming" that lets you feel the organization in a tree... or network (*)

What I ask to  Miro is to consider this "visual organization" at the interface level to offer easier management of collapse/expand and renaming (if I rename a namespace, it changes in all "projects")

(*) it's classic, once we have managed to offer people a tree-like organization, some will arrive with "yes but" to ask for a network organization... which until then seemed too complicated . No problem, my proposal is compatible.

Christophe GESCHÉ
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  • September 23, 2022

@Anton Telitsyn  ? Any feedback from PO/PM/UX ?


I also would like to have root-level/major projects that can further be organized with sub-projects. As we create new diagrams more and more, a better way to organize them will be critical


Thank you!

Since I cannot edit my reply above, I am adding another reply.

A colleague pointed out this request that is essentially the same thing I am asking for:

Christophe GESCHÉ
  • Author
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  • October 21, 2022
Dan Anderson wrote:

Since I cannot edit my reply above, I am adding another reply.

A colleague pointed out this request that is essentially the same thing I am asking for:

So you work also on a eLearning platform ?

Fun fact, my proposition was implemented in a elarning platform where  I’ve  worked  in 2003 : Claroline

Igor Kryltsov
Dan Anderson wrote:


A colleague pointed out this request that is essentially the same thing I am asking for:

Cross referenced back too :)

  • New Here
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  • February 28, 2023

Totally agree on a need to improve board organization on Miro.  I work for a large multinational. Our list of available teams means the scroll bar is smaller than the text in the team name.

Within each team, there are some extremely large number of users. We have an “all” team, that has 27k people in it, you can imagine how many boards there are in there.  Even our BU has thousands of people, and our team has 107 people in it currently. Allowing folders / structure on all of this would help people organize better…  Within our team we have different roles too…


Our organization is a mess, being able to move / organize things would be great, along with  structuring things would def help.


Christophe GESCHÉ

I’m sorry but 2 year for a simple need, easy to solve…
When I see  all news  incredible stuff in release note…. .. 

I think about that ;(


