@Fientje Vermeulen, would you mind sharing your makeshift templates in the meantime? 
I would not of course, how/where should I share them?
That would be much appreciated!
You can send them to paul@datagambit.co.za if you don’t mind? Or just attach them here?
I’ve created a public board, for anyone interested:
I’m not entirely sure these are the last versions, but then again you can make some changes yourself if you wish to.
Although there are now shapes available that are closer in appearance to the original ArchiMate elements, they often lack the functionality of the basic shapes. Also I could of course have added little icons in the basic shapes as I did in the composite ones, but that means you have to double click any time you want to make a change, which is just not feasible in the long run.
You’re allowed to comment, so go ahead!
Thanks so much Fientje! Much appreciated.
@Fientje Vermeulen
Hi Fientje, thanks for sharing your shapes. Couldn't get them to scale to a size i can work with them. Can is ask how you created the shapes? I tried making my own shapes, for instance the Application component. But when i created the icon representation for Application component and add it to a box i cant get it fixed. Miro only gives the option to Lock. But then its locked to the background and not the shapes together. And locked also blocks the text input dialog.
How did you manage to stick together the single components of a shape? Cant find a group button.
Ctrl + g, ungroup = shift + ctrl + g
The thing is if you want to scale the "fancy elements" with the icons in them, you should actually double click the large element first, which makes you select only that large element, then scale so you don't stretch out the icons.
From the top of my head I would say I grouped basic elements, but also icons from the Miro library, maybe even wireframes?
Thanks, that was easy. Weird its not under the right mouse button menu.
This thread might be interessing to keep an eye on aswell.
I would like to second this request. The ability to use Miro for Archimate models is key if this would to ever enter the enterprise architecture space.
Upvoted as well. There are quite a few tools available for modeling in ArchiMate, it would be nice to consolidate some ArchiMate modeling into Miro (and sometimes easily share ArchiMate diagrams with stakeholders in context with other visualizations)
Based on fact this post was made two years ago - can’t see any obvious traction from Miro to implement.
An Enetrprise Architecture extension to product would make complete sense but does look like need to go elsewhere to do Archimate for now.
Hi all,
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your feedback. We appreciate it.
Should our team have any other questions, they will be sure to follow up. For those coming across this idea, if you feel it's helpful to have or have additional suggestions, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request.
A set of ArchiMate shapes would be very useful for effective work in Miro with architecture.