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Import mind maps from other apps

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Hi @Marina , any news to support importing/exporting mindmaps between MindNode? This would be a hugely important integration for my work. Or another option that you would bring the best features from MindNode available to Miro as well.

Freemind / Freeplane .mm format would be great, but really - a hierarchy/tree import/export would be a good start. OPML is one option. Some generic json, xml or even a tree in a simple tab delimited / csv format.

But of course, to get value - freemind / freeplane .mm would be great, or opml possibly.

Mahmoud Darweash wrote:

It’s a big setback that can’t import my mindmaps, I’ve tons of it. impossible to recreate all of that


actually, more dangerous not being able to export.


please work on that asap


keep it up

So true! In fact: being able to import /export is one feature that might make Miro way more appealing to whoever is in need or has been using these platforms to work. Building maps is time-consuming and whichever tool makes it easier and simpler to move across platforms its likely to be the one people will stick with.

  • Active Contributor
  • 21 replies
  • April 4, 2021

No OPML no party 😉

As extreme mind map user, I really need to import and export not only images of the mind map, but also OPML and lists so that I can copy/paste in text editors.

Without this important feature, Miro is a no-mind map App for me

+1 for import from MindNode. I didn’t realize Miro supported mind maps. My company uses Miro. I really, really don’t want to recreate my entire year-long road map of thoughts from scratch!

Even if it was a low level import and I needed to reorganize the branches, that would be helpful.

MindJet Mindmapper here.

OPML should be an easy implementation and one that will certainly increase adoption and retention of your tool.

Until this obstacle is removed, I’m sticking with what I have already and recommending the same to my colleagues.

Now Miro enables Notion users to visualize Miro’s tables within the App! Personally, in Notion, I have several Parent-Child relationships within a same table, and an update that enabled to visualize such relationships graphically in a graph/Tree manner would be mind-blowing!

Miro guys, imports are critical part for your platform growth strategy.

I think you should check growth strategies and then reconsider development priorities.

May be a very useful feature, even if for importing just a tabulation-separated mind map format such as:

main topic



secondary topics

<tab>other things

  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • September 27, 2021

Just popping in again to show I am still keen on this line of discussion.


Echoing others above (incl. myself),

  • exporting a mindmap in a way that show its hierarchy is crucial.
    I use Freeplane (a variant of Freemind) on desktop, but mostly MundMup online because a bunch of us can get together and map out something together and/or asynchronously
  • even the simplest form of representation would be enough for me to use as an export, as long as the hierarchy is recorded.
  • For example:

    as CSV could look like this:












    … as Markup, it would be:


    # Mother

    ## me

    ### daughter

    ## brother

    ### neice

    ## sister

    ### nephew

    # Aunty

    ## cousin


    OPML would be more complex but not too hard …

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><opml version="1.0">
    <outline text="grandma">
    <outline text="Mother">
    <outline text="me">
    <outline text="daughter"/>
    <outline text="brother">
    <outline text="neice"/>
    <outline text="sister">
    <outline text="nephew"/>
    <outline text="Aunty">
    <outline text="cousin"/>

    I won’t go on to show what a .mm file is like because it will be 100 lines of .xml tags that could help reproduce the styles and colours of nodes and lines. Importing that would be very cool, but no longer low-hanging fruit for the Miro devs.

  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • September 27, 2021

At present, I think that Miro prioritises import over export and, as a consequence, starts to get a bit like Vegas (“Whatever happens in Vegas, STAYS in Vegas!”).

This is great for encouraging us to spend more time in Miro, and I’m happy to do so, but, eventually, all this collective brilliance that Miro makes possible has to go out into the world without carefully typing it all out from a giant PDF, or puzzling over the excel sheet generated by other export options.

  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • September 27, 2021

(I forgot to include Tab delimited text above, but @Oskar Nendes shows that clearly)

Yes. Agreed. Not being able to import and export to and from other mind mapping software is a MAJOR drawback and probably a deal killer.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • November 21, 2021

Until this feature is added, I cannot justify migrating to this platform.

It has been over a year since this was requested in this thread. 

Is this a priority for MIRO?

would be great to import my Xmind mindmaps and start using mindmaps in Miro

  • Contributor
  • 16 replies
  • December 22, 2021

I know this doesn’t address the importing feature discussed on this thread but here is my solution for exporting Miro Mindmaps to heirarchy structure in CSV

Would it be worth including other formats rather than CSV? (I’ve submitted it to Miro Marketplace so hopefully will be available soon)

+1 for mind maps import feature

Has any work been done on this matter so far? I would like to migrate from Mindmeister to Miro. Mindmeister currently offers the open source free mind file to export...

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • February 6, 2022

@Jonas Fischer

Generell kannst Du Dich hier leider daran gewöhnen keine offizielle Antwort von Miro zu bekommen.

Das gilt zumindest für das Thema MindMapping so:
Hier in  diesem Thread war die letzte offizielle Antwort von Miro am 09.03.2020:


Bisher gab es für MindMaps nur ein einziges offizielles Votum was die zusammenklappbaren Zweige angeht und das ist auch fast zwei Jahre her ...:




Ich wünschte Miro würde antworten … ich wünschte … bin aber nur lange genug hier gewesen, dass ich weiß … wenn sie nicht antworten, wird auch nicht dran gearbeitet …

Es gibt für mich hier nur eine Lösung:

Alternative echte MindMapping Programme fürs MindMappen zu nutzen …

Da Miro genauso, wie bei MindMapping Wünsche/Anfragen ignoriert, das beim Thema Datenschutz DSGVO auch tun, - was ich noch viel gravierender finde - scheidet die Lösung Miro dennoch zu nutzen, für mich mittlerweile aus.

Bin inzwischen glücklich bei der Konkurrenz deren Server in Deutschland stehen gelandet … und es ist weit mehr machbar mit denen als mit miro:

und der viel gewünschte Dark-Mode ist auch dabei:

Aber natürlich kein MindMapping  - wie auch bei Miro es nicht dabei ist …

Du schreibst auch kein Serienbrief mit WordPad sondern nutzt Word … Daher ist für mich bei MindMapping immer noch iMindMap als Programm da … würde wahrscheinlich, wenn ich online arbeiten müsste, zu MindMeister oder XMind wechseln ...

Viel Spaß mit Miro weiterhin.


Danke dir für deine Antwort. Mmh ich war gerade dabei von Mindmeister zu Miro zu wechseln, weil ich einfach mehr möglichkeiten mit Miro sehe, sowohl Notizen, also auch Google Docs mit Mindmaps zu koppeln...

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • February 6, 2022

@Jonas Fischer :

Ich weiß was Du meinst … ging mir auch so … miro ist eine Welt für sich (und zwar eine sehr gute) … doch leider wurde - weil ich Kunden auf meine Boards lasse - das Thema DSGVO - für mich so wichtig, dass ich miro nicht mehr nutzen kann …
Die Konkurrenz, die ich gefunden habe, bietet auch noch keine Möglichkeiten der Importe für MindMaps, leider … 
Aber die haben wenigstens eine offene zugängliche Roadmap … und ich weiß woran ich bin …

Hier traut sich keiner ein offizielles Wort hierüber zu sagen - was sehr schade ist …

Viele Grüße


Same situation Here

Same here. I am a project manager, and an extensive Mindnode user. Until I can export my Mindnode maps into Miro this is a deal breaker for me, despite how much I love Miro’s collaborative functionality. 

All we need is an import function. That’s it. Please dev team, prioritize this. 

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • March 29, 2022

I signed up for the Miro trial, looking for an alternative to another paid mindmapping program I’m using for myself and my team.

The first thing I checked in the demo is “can I import my mindmaps made in (the other program) into Miro?”

The answer I found here?

Apparently not.

It’s a hard pass until Miro decides to get around to implementing this. It looks like it’s not a priority for them, so I’ll close out my demo account.



  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • March 29, 2022

Cmon @Miro Support Team  this feature should be table stakes for your app. We are on a corp license but need this feature. Bump it up please.
