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Guest Names Repetition use different Icon or Change name

  • July 22, 2020
  • 1 reply
  • Richard W
  • Basile Lavanchy

This week I ran a very small workshop for just 5 guests - and of 5 people we ended up with two Guest Inventors. I can understand repetition for a very big group, but when numbers are so small this is problematic. Has anyone else experienced this? 

If it isn’t possible to give a different name, could we have a different Icon - at least use another colour so that it would be possible to distinguish between them. Better still, either let the guest choose a pseudonym (if they can’t use their real name as they aren’t registering for an account) or allow the board owner to change guests names. 



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David Yan
  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • March 4, 2021

That’s really useful to require participants to put down their names even optionally.
