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Export Mind Map as Hierarchy in CSV

  • Marina
  • Lorraine Marsh
  • Max Goldschwartz
  • Charlie Portelli

Currently, when exporting a Mind Map to CSV, Miro generates a flat list. I want to export my Mind Map as a hierchy so that I can load the data into a spreadsheet or Word doc to make other notations or edits. 


Here’s an example. 

My simple Mind Map:


Exports to CSV as a Flat list, even worse, there doesn’t seem to be an order to the items in the list. 


I want Miro to export my Mind Map as a table that shows the hierarchy of the map, as shown below: 


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April 10, 2022

gavin032 wrote:

The app has been released on the marketplace! :grinning:

Thanks for your patience everyone

Until/if Miro adds this as a standard feature, here is an alternative for exporting a mind map to CSV, including its hierarchy.

Was it helpful?

71 replies

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • August 11, 2020

I did a similar test. It seems the CSV file lists the items from Top of screen to Bottom of Screen, scanning from left to right. 


This is indeed very inconvenient.

  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • September 2, 2020

As a dyslexic I use mindmaps a lot. It’s really important that the hierarchy can be exported.

Many thanks!

  • New Here
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  • September 9, 2020

For IA purposes, being able to do this would really be fabulous!

  • Beginner
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  • September 20, 2020

I was super excited to discover that Miro does mind maps too. 

It is very important to be able to go from a mindmap to a structured list, for example for project management. 

I was about to subscribe but will hold off a bit.

It shouldn’t be too hard to do create a useful download, Mark.  





  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • September 21, 2020

I have this very same issue. 

Unfortunately, this will lead me to dump Miro in favor of some of the other mind mapping tools out there. 

Ron Allen
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 14, 2020

If it exported as a hierarchical list or listed the Parent node as part of the list I bet I could get it to import to word.



Node data     Node parent          (Linked or pointing to….)

Dog                  Mammal

Cat                    Mammal


Mammal             Animal


Brian Fulghum
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 67 replies
  • October 15, 2020

This scan to CVS issue of putting everything into a single column also happens when exporting Sticky notes.  I often have stickies arranged in some kind of grid and would like to have the sticky-note text also in a grid.

  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • November 6, 2020

Just saw that there was some new MindMap functionality released. 

Unfortunately, the export of our MindMaps are still falling flat aka no hierarchical information is captured :-( 


That severely handicaps them for me. :-( 


Wanted to bump this feature request up. Please upvote if you want to see this improvement. 




P.S. I love that Miro is offering the ability to publicly share suggestions and rally around the best ones. 

yes, indeed, this feature would help me create epic and story structures for jira in advance of big projects: I would love to have a nice tool to do that outside of jira as long as I am in the discovery phase with my clients and implementation has not started, yet.

  • New Here
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  • November 12, 2020

Exporting mindmap to CSV was a total  waste of time. As a minimum viable, it should put in in the hierarchical order so it is of any use to people. I am not even sure why any developer would add such feature to Miro if it can’t do the very basic that makes this feature useful. It took me more time to sort the list in Excel than it took me to create the mind-map in the first place. Unfortunately I had no choice but it stops me from using Miro being frank!

  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • November 15, 2020

I read somewhere there is a threshold of 40 votes for Miro product management to take a suggestion seriously. Who are the next 4? Please vote this up. For me, the power of Mindmaps really starts when you are able to export them without losing their structure. 

  • New Here
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  • November 24, 2020

Got into the same trap. Since Miro is promoted stronger at our company, people start to avoid “unofficial” apps by the company rules and find out too late, they picked the wrong tool for their purpose. But I have hope MIRO will improve.

  • Beginner
  • 8 replies
  • January 5, 2021

Tell me how to upvote it and I will, too. A decent export of text in the hierarchical form originally designed would be awesome. I do recall seeing and using other products that handled this nicely. It would be beneficial to me in multiple ways, such as creating lists of links or going directly to outlines for documents and slides.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • January 14, 2021

Me too! same wish: hiarchical structure of CSV or any other solution where export/ CSV file from Miro and import in other envrionment/tool it is possible to recreate the Hierarchical structure/dependicies/relationships between all nodes/topics presented in the Miro board/visual.

PS: not only for “Miro mind maps” but also for all/many other bards/visuals.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • January 14, 2021

note/add.. Maybe besides CSV Miro could support a XML-based export ?

Or … but maybe a “bridge to far” (so ignore when not feasible): API's ?

If this feature isn’t added, then I’m cancelling my subscription. Plain and simple. 


working remotely with a mindmap and interview my colleagues it really nice as they can log in to see what I typing and could correct if I missed something. 

After 5 weeks of interviews mapping out how I see the org from a collaboration point of view then, I need to work on data collected. 

Exporting mindmap is a joke! CVS is one line not in nodes, I cannot even export it to HTML or plain text, I cannot convert to another Mindmap as copy-paste is not possible outside Miro.  

In my horror, I went back to my flow chart, where I mapped out all the processes used, to find out, I could not export that either! 

Sorry Miro, this app needs some serious thought before it is used professionally, now it a sales gimmick until a user opens it. 

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • February 17, 2021

This is really needed! I did a mind map ahead of a big project I am on, the map is done and has got a bit unruly due to amount of nodes. I wanted to export it to excel, and produce a clean pivot table, which I could then easily scroll down to work through my requirements. 

Either I’ll now need to manually copy and paste, or re-do the work.

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • February 19, 2021

Now that this has more than 40 votes is it now in the backlog?

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • February 19, 2021
Marc Shecter wrote:

Currently, when exporting a Mind Map to CSV, Miro generates a flat list. I want to export my Mind Map as a hierchy so that I can load the data into a spreadsheet or Word doc to make other notations or edits. 


Here’s an example. 

My simple Mind Map:


Exports to CSV as a Flat list, even worse, there doesn’t seem to be an order to the items in the list. 


I want Miro to export my Mind Map as a table that shows the hierarchy of the map, as shown below: 


I think it would be a huge step forward to have the output be at least in parent node list order from the filled template example-


Miro Filled Template example


CSV output:


Existing Output


What I would hope as a minimum the output could be structured more like the below, not perfect, but then the order of items in a node(Parent) and the items(children) under a node could be kept then you can manually c/p a node and its children and keep the orders of the parents and children.

Just using the LHS of the map, Bold are "Parent Nodes" child nodes not in bold.

Better Output, not perfect or ideal, but better than existing




I have the same need as you guys, just placing a comment here to add momentum to this request.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • March 30, 2021

My colleagues and I have the same need. Please provide a useful export function, better sooner than later.

The mindmapping tool already feels great, very intuitive. But without the ablity to export in a hierarchical structure it remains useless, at least for me. A mindmap is a powerful tool to accumulate complex data. But I can’t go on from there. I need a list, structured CSV, outline… ANYTHING! Have a look at mindmup 2.0.

Evaluating mindmapping software and this has put the brakes on for me. MindMup Free does this, which we want to migrate from, but without this function this is a non-starter.


  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • April 21, 2021

We need this to Integrate with Asana so we can make it actionable.
