Embed a Region in Confluence

I am documenting requirements in Confluence. We have a lot of frames in our Miro project. It would be great if I could zoom into a specific region of the project that was relevant to the requirements that I am documenting. 

This would be very similar to how the start region currently works; except that I could change it per embed.

This would be indeed a welcome addition to embeds, not only in Confluence.

So, to be clear, there are two things that I would like to be able to embed: frame or region.

This should be set per embed.

Icing on the cake: the ability to optionally lock the embed to that frame or region. IOW, provide an option to prevent people from changing the view of the embed while maintaining the ability to add comments.

See also: https://community.miro.com/wish-list-32/confluence-embeds-pinned-to-a-specific-frame-944

+1 for you project. This would be very useful.