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Confusing change in 2023 causes students to send requests to join a group to edit public boards

Steve Spearman

Here’s some of the description I originally sent to support:

As a trainer, I always share a board with students using the "anyone with the link has edit access". But something changed in recent months where about 20% of students get confused and end up sending me a message about joining my team. How do I help them use the editing as a visitor and not get stuck in this requesting to join my team? This was never a confusion until a recent change in Miro.

Here’s what support found:

You are correct, there have been changes in the availability of features for visitors. We simplified some features for visitors without profiles, considering that most of them use only a few tools. By signing up for a Miro account, they can access the complete creation toolbar. 
After replicating the issue, it appears that if visitors sign up directly from the board's sign-up options, they will be asked to join your team or create one after completely signing up.

To resolve this, I recommend instructing the students to click on "Create your new free team" rather than requesting access to join the team. Once a free team is created, they will have edit access to the board by accessing it via a link. 


My assessment: the changes in 2023 are confusing to students and cause unnecessary delays accessing the board.  It’s also somewhat difficult for them to get back in once they are pushed to request joining my group.   I think this is actually a bug but in any case, it is a backwards step for students who are being sent “edit” links to my class board.

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