As reviewers have noted on the Atlassian Marketplace page for the Miro Confluence integration, the integration still only embeds the entire board in a fixed-size component. This is useless for anyone using the canvas to hold multiple diagrams..which is the whole point of Miro.
As a result, I’ve got no choice but to export a static image of the frame I want, and paste that into the page. If the diagram gets updated, my Confluence page obviously does not. And if I want to link to the Miro board, I’m best off bypassing the integration entirely and simply pasting a URL because, again, there is little or no conceivable use for embedding the entire Miro app, UI and all, not focused on the specific content I’m trying to share, into a fixed-size small frame on the wiki page.
This can and should be split into multiple stories, e.g.:
- As a user, I should be able to embed a single live frame into a Confluence page
- I should be able to control the size and perhaps aspect ratio of the embedded frame, e.g. to match the content, as its dimensions are knowable.
- I should be able to toggle whether the full Miro app UI should be turned on in the embed by default. Just because a user *can* edit the board that doesn’t mean embeds should be covered in toolbars and minimaps.
- For pages that can and will be shared with viewers not authenticated into Miro, or lacking access to the specific board, there should be a toggle for an optional fallback behavior that renders a static image of the frame embedded at the time of embed creation or modification.
Since your Confluence integrations go back four years, and your Confluence Cloud integration goes back at least one year, should we expect these sorts of obvious functionality will ever be taken up?