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Confluence (and probably Jira) embeds should include a link to the board

  • Steve Koppelman
  • Kevin Kinisky
    Kevin Kinisky
  • Drew Vanderriet
  • IvanKhamaganov
  • MarinaL
  • Jaz
  • Marcin Dobosz

Astonishingly, a Miro board embedded in a Confluence page using the official integration does not include any way to open the board in its own tab/window.

Because the Confluence embeds are literally just the entire Miro board, with nothing removed or added to make for a more appropriate UX for the use case, the Miro logo in the corner links to the Miro homepage, not the board, which is useless. That’s it. There’s no way for even a logged-in user with access to the board to navigate from the embed to the board itself.

This isn’t just a quirky inconvenience. It contributes to making the embeds useless. Aside from the inflexible sizing, which is partly an Atlassian limitation, It’s useless as a viewer because it can’t be focused to a specific frame as noted in another ticket. But this makes it useless for editing and collaboration, too. The embeds, especially on Confluence Cloud, are too small and cramped to do any editing, commenting, reviewing or anything else, really, in the embed itself. But the lack of a link to the board makes it literally impossible to even use the embed as a jumping-off point to access and collaborate on the board at all.

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