As a paying customer, I would like the to configure the way a board appears to anyone viewing it for the first time - both signed in Miro users and non-Miro users. I want them to experience the board as closely as possible to the way I designed it.
This would apply for anyone - team members, non-team members, but mainly for anyone who does not have a Miro account (or is at least not signed in), e.g., anyone viewing the board publicly when the board’s sharing settings are set to: Anyone with the link can → View, Comment, or Edit.
Currently, things like the navigation mode, canvas grid, and which tools appear in the left-land side content creation toolbar.
My Ask
As the board owner, I want to be able to configure the following defaults for new visitors to the board:
- Canvas grids are off/hidden.
- The bottom-left collaboration toolbar (frames, presentation mode, etc.) is collapsed.
- The bottom-right navigation panel/mini-map is collapsed.
- The board’s navigation mode is in Mouse mode and the bottom “navigation help” frame is off.
- Turn off “highlighted changes”, so that users don’t have to see numerous edits that have been made on the board - I got the idea from this Idea by
@Margo Johnson (vote for it!) - Additionally, if the board is in Edit mode, I want to specify which tools appear in the left-hand side content creation toolbar, e.g., Google Image search,
@Max Harper ’s Clusterizer. - Collaborators’ cursor OFF by default (thanks to
@amy hosotsuji and this post) - Set cursor default to Select mode (thanks to
@Rich Nadworny and this post)
Current State
Here’s what I see as a non-Miro user viewing a board for the first time in view-only mode:

Oh, and how convenient for Miro, but annoying for me as a paid user and my board guests that the No, thanks in the Try Miro for free animation doesn’t work!

So, I’ll reload the board to get rid of it and we’re back to this ugly thing:

I want to get rid of:

With all of the above done, here is what I want a visitor to see:

Some use cases:
- Using a board a landing page with my portfolio and a link to my LinkedIn page.
- My resume/portfolio.
- Sending potential clients to view my work
- See even more in this post by
@Kim Roth Howe → How have you structured Miro boards to use them as "hubs" or "libraries" to manage complex information?
I really don’t need to go on. From my perspective, I am paying for Miro and part of what I am paying for is to share MY board and not a sales billboard for Miro.