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Intuitive experience for 1st time users joining via public link

  • March 3, 2021
  • 1 reply
  • Lucie A
    Lucie A
  • PedroS00
  • BurtyC
  • Krzysztof Kilichowski

Right now a first time user that receives a link to a public board may choose to sign up for a profile (sometimes without realising there is an option to access as a guest).  The user then gets stuck at a screen asking them to ‘join their miro team’ if there are existing teams set up in their email domain.

The screen is not obviously part of the sign-up experience, and then only options the user is presented with are to either join one of the existing teams or to ‘create a new team’

The user just wants to access the board they have been shared.  Please adjust this page so it is more clearly part of the sign-up process and can be skipped.

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Why hasn’t this been addressed yet?  I am tired of having to talk people through this at the start of every remote meeting as this loop is not intuitive at all.  
