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filter sticky notes by tag

  • February 3, 2021
  • 5 replies

Imagine a crowded area with lots of sticky. Would be great if one could filter by tag, to show only a subset of sticky notes, and a function to remove the filtering to show all stickies.

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i’m looking for the same functionality.

currnly I can Search cards with a spécified tag (using the search bar), but all cards are still displayed.

It would be very convenient to be able to show/display only cards that match the search criteria. 

My use case : I have a diagram with many cards, but only some cards are relevant for some users. Having a filter & display option would provide them with a rapid view on ‘their’ cards only



I d love this functionality, i believe it can make the difference when the board has too many notes. 

This would be so helpful! We currently manage the roadmap across all of our tech pods in a single project but in most day-to-day uses, each pod only needs to view their own tasks. 

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • October 7, 2022

this would extremely valuable when synthesising user research, to quickly identify patterns in data from different subsets of users

+1, this would help us implement a very efficient product discovery workflow based on Teresa Torres’ continuous discovery framework. Being able to work with multiple ideas in one assumption map, tagging each assumption with the title of the idea(s) it relates to, being able to filter on tags would make it very easy to drill down to a specific idea and see its status.
