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Original in French below because it is my mother language but I will add an English translation above.
I’ve already submit this idea to miro (request 167806 ), but I post it here  to challenge them.

The basic idea is that one shape can influence the properties of another when superimposed on it.

Concrete cases:

I have a grid representing a 5 sprint plan
When I drop a JIRA card a grid case, the card updates, and it changes sprints value of the card.

I have a series of rectangles, one for each user.
When I drop a note in a rectangle, the note is assigned to this user

I have a series of rectangles for various themes

When I drop a note in a rectangle, a label is added to it representing the theme.

Generic principle

To see it in a very generic way. (I think super large, after maybe a very small part has to be done in MVP)



  • C a "container" zone that we will configure
  • M a "mobile" element which will undergo an automatic change
  • P a property of M
  • V a valid value for the property P

We configure C so that according to the type (note, text, shape, cards, ..) of M.

If M enters or exits completely from C, the property P of M will be updated to the value V

We can add several rules for C

We can cumulate 3 types of update

  • empty property P
  • add a V value
  • remove a V value

I believe my idea is very powerful but maybe advanced for the target audience of miro.

J’écris en français parce que c’est ma langue maternelle mais j’ajouterai un une traduction en anglais.

L’idée de base c’est qu’une forme  puisse influencer les propriétés d’une autre quand elle y est superposée.

Cas  concrets :

J’ai une grille représentant un plan de 5 sprints
Quand je dépose une carte JIRA une case de la grille, la carte est mise à jour, et elle change de sprint.

J’ai une série de rectangles, un par utilisateurs.
Quand je dépose une note dans un rectangle, elle est assignée à cet utilisateur


J’ai une série de rectangles pour diverses thématiques

Quand je dépose une note dans un rectangle, un label y est ajouté représentant la thématique.

Principe générique
Pour voir cela de manière très générique. (je pense super large, après peut-être qu’une toute petite partie doit être réalisée en MVP)


  • C une zone “conteneur” que l’on va configurer
  • M un élément “mobile”  qui subira un changement automatique
  • P une propriété de M
  • V une valeur valide pour la propriété P


On configure C pour que selon le type (note, text, shape, cards, ..) de M.

Si M entre ou sort complètement de C, la propriété P de M sera mise à jour à la valeur V

On peut ajouter plusieurs règles pour C

On peut cumuler 3 type  de mise à jour 

  • vider la propriété P
  • ajouter une valeur V
  • retirer une valeur V

Je crois que mon idée est très puissante mais peut-être avancée pour le public cible de miro.

@Adrien Painturier penses-tu que tu pourrais donner un coup de main ou d’orientation à @Christophe GESCHÉ  ?

@Christophe GESCHÉ That's a really interesting idea! Maybe it could be done as a plugin somehow. What do you think, @Max Harper?

It's already about jira plugin integration 

@Christophe GESCHÉ You misunderstand. By plugin, we typically mean community-made plugins. The Jira integration in Miro is an official integration made by Miro. Also, I don’t think the idea itself is only applicable with Jira, it could (and should) be applied to cards in general.

This is what I’m referring to:

Let  try  to explain what I understand.

Write a “community-made-plugin” which “listen” with an api event when an object is dragged on another. 
And let configure this “another” object to set a property in dragged object  ?


let try  ==> Let me try  


@Christophe GESCHÉ Yes exactly!

@Christophe GESCHÉ 

This make sense. 

What would you have happen in the case of removing an item from a container? Does it keep its value on the property associated with the container it just left? Or does that value go to null? I can see value in both cases. Perhaps this is something configured container by container? 

My first idea was “If M enters or exits completely from C, the property P of M will be updated to the value V”

But  I’ve no more challenged them :)

 Perhaps we can imagine “only set on enter”. And    considers the full board as a container, and use set  container layer  to determine  wich value would be set.

I explain

“If M enters completely into C, the property P of M will be updated to the value V”

Ok  If we have  C1, C2, C3  where  

  • C1 => P1 = V1, P2 = V4
  • C2 => P1 = V2, P3 = V5
  • C3 => P1 = V3, P4 =  V6

If C1 is front of C2 and C3 back to C2
and C1 in C2 in C3

“If M enters completely into C2, ...”

M => P1 = V1, P3 = V5 and P4 = V6.


More powerfull,… more complex

Ok  I just see my sentence was wrong

“If M enters or exits completely from C, the property P of M will be updated to the value V”
“If M enters completely into C, the property P of M will be updated to the value V”
 If M exits completely from C, the property P of M will be updated to the value null before to check where M is drag”

Maybe this could be implemented in more generic and powerful fashion - any element (or a specific element type for starters) could support “rules”:

  • trigger
    • target element type (shape|card|...)
    • action - (moved into|moved from|linked to|unlinked|...)
    • possibly even external actions (API, webhook)
  • reaction (create|update|delete|duplicate shape, shape properties, ...)

With this, i can imagine e.g. creating my own board that would reflect the actual board in jira and automate a lot of stuff.


It could also make life of developers a hell while trying to QA this feature ;)

@Roman Plevka  

I'm sorry, I can't see the difference with my initial proposal.

I note the addition of the event, link to / unlinked. It can be interesting

On the other hand, I have trouble imagining the "add/create shape" reaction.

A reaction on the properties of the element, ok.
But "creating an element" because we are moving another is less clear.


@Roman Plevka  

I'm sorry, I can't see the difference with my initial proposal.

I note the addition of the event, link to / unlinked. It can be interesting

On the other hand, I have trouble imagining the "add/create shape" reaction.

A reaction on the properties of the element, ok.
But "creating an element" because we are moving another is less clear.


hey. sorry if this did not bring any new idea, i might have understood the original proposal wrong.

the creation of the item example:

Jira kanban -

you have a rectangle shape created and you want it to represent a specific swimlane in your jira project/board.

so you specify an API/webhook trigger to it ..and if there is a new jira card created in the target swimlane (in jira server), and its representation does not exist yet, it will be created.

Stuff like this