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Keyboard shortcut for "Copy link"

  • January 22, 2021
  • 4 replies

I’d like to have a keyboard shortcut for “Copy link” in the same way there’s a keyboard shortcut for “Link to”.

Maybe cmd+opt+K (on Mac), because it’s related to the “Link to” shortcut, at least in my mind.


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4 replies


great ideia!!!!

This is so basic. I had to link many items in a board and the only way is open the menu , copy link - It drove me crazy.

This is a must have (and easy to implement).


Kyle Chipman

Echoing my support for this idea. Additionally, shoutout to the dual article creation / article search feature that’s in place for Miro on these forums, makes it easier to find already-proposed wishlist items and upvote rather than dilute. 

This would be huge for my workflow as well! 
