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"Search Within Boards"

Robert Johnson
Alan Heckman
  • Robert Johnson
    Robert Johnson
  • Alan Heckman
    Alan Heckman
  • Ruth Newnham
  • Ryan Wagner
  • Aaron W. Johnson
  • Soumyadeep Mandal
    Soumyadeep Mandal
  • Mey Mark Meyer
  • Julian Harris
  • Nika Davitashvili
  • Addison Davis

Would the Miro team consider making the “search within boards” function possible for those outside the “Enterprise” plan? I do not need all the features of the Enterprise plan (and the minimum member requirement needed for the plan is too high for my situation), but I could really benefit from being able to search board contents...

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7276 replies
  • January 4, 2021

I agree. Searching inside of a board should be available to all paid plans at a minimum. 

  • Author
  • 96 replies
  • February 23, 2021

Any other thoughts on this from anyone?

  • 0 replies
  • June 3, 2021


I usually archive any board at some point as PDF export to OneNote. Microsofts OCR then quickly captures all the text and makes it accessible by search. Personally, I find it somewhat ridiculous that such a basic feature is available for large enterprise customers only. And each time you use global search they rub it in your face “Haha, 4 hits in board content but I won’t tell you where!”. Makes me considering tests of other products in one of my future projects.

  • 0 replies
  • October 4, 2021

Check out DEVONthink if you have a mac.

See this post for more details

Manouska J
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 248 replies
  • January 8, 2024
Ryan Wagner wrote:

Would the Miro team consider making the “search within boards” function possible for those outside the “Enterprise” plan? I do not need all the features of the Enterprise plan (and the minimum member requirement needed for the plan is too high for my situation), but I could really benefit from being able to search board contents...

Hey Miro Community–– We just introduced advance dashboard search in Miro! Check out this post to learn more about this update. As always, thank you for your continued feedback and helping make Miro better 🚀

  • 0 replies
  • March 5, 2024

Seems we can search now, but the window is small and searches cannot be saved as if they are folders.


DEVONthink offers a Smart Folder, which is in fact a search that you create that contains all the keywords and filers you wish to use and then it stays updated automatically because whenever it is opened, it works just like a regular folder that contains the items.


For miro, having search as a first class citizen, meaning a project level folder with keywords and dates as filters that search board content would be very helpful to offer alternative ways to get at old information organized in other ways physically inside projects.

With 1000’s of boards, it’s important to have a full screen view of the search results and be able to preview the boards quickly while in search before opening the boards.
