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iOS export menu integration

  • November 25, 2020
  • 3 replies
  • James McElroy
    James McElroy
  • Federico Andres Grosso

I often be disapointed not to be able to send pics, screenshots or other docs to Miro from the iOS menu: export or send to
To upload something to Miro you need to open the app and press upload button. 
For example, when browsing my photos i can send to facebook or email or dropbox with just one clics.  

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  • 0 replies
  • December 4, 2020


Even inside Miro, we can only upload one screenshot or photo at a time.

It requires too many taps.

Miro needs a way to select multiple photos and to arrange them in a grid automatically by date or by name quickly when inside iOS. We have no time to waste for getting the information onto the board so we can collaborate.


Would be great to have some multi-tasking features for split screen iPad also to be able to drag and drop from other drawing or note-taking apps..

Yes agreed just a simple ability to Paste the images into the Miro board from other apps. Yes or Miro as a destination in the Share menu. 

it’s cumbersome to add any images to Miro boards on iOS at the moment. Hope they sort it out. 

Hi! Any updates for this?
