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More export options (JSON, OPML, CSV / Tab-delimited)

Related products:Export Boards
  • February 19, 2020
  • 5 replies

Jeremy Pollack

Underlying Data Structures

  • Either with current tools or with some new frameworks / features that add a bit more firmness while keeping flexibility to use other components around it
    • Examples
      • For example in Whimsical app (Website)
      • JSON export
        • For things like Kanban boards
        • For creation of concept maps, exports that contain the “edges” of concept maps and soft-links
      • OPML export
        • For mind maps
      • CSV / Tab-delimited
        • For mind maps or other semi-structured formats
      • Bonus
        • Exports that include summarization
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5 replies

Second this - esp Export to CSV. 

I’ve exported Post-notes - the post-note data transferring to CSV columns is limited to labels added. Some Post notes share two labels and that doesn’t get translated into the right data structure in CSV column. 

Would also be good to translate and group by Postie colours into  respective columns. They are currently all under the first Column.

Would like to be able to filter & use the Data for anlaysis, e.g. Pivot.

  • 0 replies
  • April 19, 2020

Nice idea. +1

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • October 19, 2021

Would love this.  I do Value Stream Mapping in Miro and would be great if I could export in machine-readable format to perform calculations on the flow metrics.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • January 26, 2023

Upvoting for Whimsical

I can’t believe this isn’t implemented yet.  The data is mine.  To export it in GPG format, and not allow me access is very bad.


Sure, there’s the CSV option, but it doesn’t even tell you what type of element it was, if there’s a link to another element, or anything.  At least if there were some columns to give me an idea on how to gain access to my data, that would be sufficient.  But, JSON is the ideal.


CSV columns might be…

uuid - a unique ID for each element so an “arrow” column can refer to the uuid

arrow - a uuid pointing at another CSV row’s UUID column.  Indicates an arrow was drawn between this element and the other element

element type - card, shape, whatever

title - the title.  If it’s a card it would be the title.  if it’s a note it would be the content

content - the content of the card, or empty for other types
