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Compile Function: Cards into Documents

Use Case: Compiling Technical Manuals, Policy Documents, Training Content, etc.


Problem: Easily transition from brainstorming content in Miro, to layout, editing, and publishing in Word, Google Docs, Kindle, etc.


Critical Nature: Have to exit Miro, and easy visualization and drag-&-drop manipulation of content layout and sequencing, to edit final content elsewhere. This leads to a lot of manual cutting and pasting. AND, it leads to content getting out of sync, because once out of Miro, you don’t want to keep coming back in every time you have a new idea, or re-sequence content.  There’s a dramatic loss of both creativity & productivity, across this divide.

Possible Solution: Add a Compile function to the Frame’s context menu, for frames that include a sequenced set of Cards. It would Compile all the cards together, and Export them to a Save As document format of your choice (docx, Google Docs, ODF, Searchable PDF, etc).

Also, that text editing toolbar that you are using in this Description box would be really fantastic. I have discovered key sequences work, but the menu bar is useful when you can’t remember any more than the basics. That, and expanding out the Headings hierarchy to match Word/Google Docs would allow for preliminary formatting prior to export -- which invites the option to select a set of Cards, and have them all use the same formatting.


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