our board overview is a visual mess even as i try cleaning it up occasionally. I basically love grid view, because it allows a fast visual overview. i am not happy with the random default icons, because they create lot of confusing clutter. so i usually create thumbnails from content clipped from the board. We often have multiple boards per project. so i want to these boards look identical in the grid view.
i understand that i can load images from disk and could have some shared library on some shared drive to keep them consistent.
i would love to have something like copy thumbnail and paste thumbnail in the context menu of the boards.
even more, it would be supercool to have some versioning or board type overlay. e.g. have text fields to enter labels like Preplanning/Planning/Production/Support or May/June/July or Concept/Design/Engineering on top of the thumbnail.
and of course this view should be zoomable, like in tools like miro :)