In order to improve interactive lectures, I would suggest:
- Allow the owner of a board to assign frames to participants, so that participants can only write within those frames. Upon assigning a frame, the participants view should adjust, so that only the frame is visible to the participant. It should also be possible to assign a frame to multiple participants to create sort of like a sub meeting room, where participants can work together. The owner of the board should still be able to join frames (so that the owner’s view also adjusts to only see that frame) or to still view all frames at once (as is). That way the participants can only see what they are supposed to be working on for the time being. As soon as the time given for a task is over, the owner should be able to let the participants rejoin the overview of the board. Participants should then also be able to view the content of other frames (as is).
- It would also be nice to be able to add different layouts to frames other than colors (styles). Especially, it would be helpful to be able to add a grid or lines in order to make writing in frames with pens more fun.
- When using a tablet, it would be great to keep the eraser in the toolbar at all times, so it does not take 2 clicks/taps to access it. It would be perfect, if the Miro app would also enable pen functionality with Apple Pencils and Samsung S-Pens, so that double tapping on the Apple Pencil toggles the eraser and pressing the S-Pen Button toggles the eraser (switching pen types optional, but not as important).
- For pre-planning, it would also be great, if frames could be assigned to logged-in users before the meeting. So that only with one click, the participants can all be sent to their assigned frames.
- It would also be cool to be able to add the camera feed of a participant e.g. to the top right corner of a frame. With multiple participants per frame, it would then be great to have an additional sidebar for each frame, where the camera feeds are shown in a grid or scrollable list. That way the educator can see easier, if the students are dedicating their attention to the task / having a hard time & needing help.