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More costumization on pasted URLs

I find the behaviour of pasting an URL into a miro board quite cumbersome. Let me explain my use case:

  • I’m creating a board to assemble data from some research, and I have an interesting link to paste
  • I copy it from the browser, then paste it directly in the board. A fancy card is created, but it takes a lot of space
  • Also, I can’t change the size/ratio/appearance of the card. E.g. Maybe the title would be useful for me, but not the image/excerpt

After noticing my mistake, I need to click the card to open the URL, go to the browser and copy the link again, then create a post it/text in my board, and paste the link there.

In my case, the ideal solution would be, for instance, to have the “Switch type” also for URLs. This way, in 2 clicks I would be able to convert the link into a post it or text.


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