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Include object hyperlinks when embedding iframe

Erwin Duisdeiker
Gábor Péter Kertes
  • Dennis Skinner
  • Erwin Duisdeiker
    Erwin Duisdeiker
  • bobino
  • Kumaragurubaran Velmurugan
  • Gábor Péter Kertes
    Gábor Péter Kertes
  • Matijs
  • Wouter Meire

It’s great to be able to use the Embed feature to embed a board into a website.


However, the limitation that I, and others, have identified is that not all information from the board is displayed within the embedded iframe.


Specifically, any hyperlinks attached to objects do not display when the board is embedded.


A good example has been noted here.  (I’m sure that hyperlink works fine.)


For now, this is a show stopper for us. 


We spend time developing workflow diagrams and support diagrams for business processes and management systems in general.  These diagrams underpin the processes and systems that we then document elsewhere.  In some instances, these may be discrete MSWord documents or PDF documents.  However, more often these processes are now based in other cloud based systems (eg. or SharePoint).  Being able to link to specific points within those systems, from within the embedded board, is an imperative for us.


I understand that there is the potential to integrate Miro with other SaaS platforms.  If that is possible, and if it would solve this issue, then our first preference would be


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