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I really just can't understand why a frame link can't show only its visual as thumbnail?

  • Delizade


My client shared me a huge Miro thing. I need to grab his Miro frames one by one to Notion project file. There are 100+frames. So, I copied the link of a frame then pasted it in Notion as “Miro board”. And I see the whole project canvas. I saw some posts here that gives super imaginative solutions like grabbing embed code and editing it etc… but I just can’t understand why we can’t see it simply? I mean, what's the point? That link is for just in Miro canvas elements?

So, now I have to do below things for 100+ frames:

  1. Select frame and copy it as image
  2. Go to the Notion file paste image
  3. Go back to Miro and copy frame link
  4. Go back to the Notion and add that link under the image

By the way, I won’t explain how much time for researching to be able to give a link to an image directly on Notion.


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