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Return or go back button after following a link inside Miro

  • February 14, 2023
  • 2 replies

I connect different areas of large miro boards by using links. It would be great to, after having clicked on a link and getting transported to that area of a miro board, to have a one-click way to return or go back to where you came from in the board.


P.S. I saw this related question thread ( but I couldn’t find the corresponding Wishlist idea/item, so I thought I would create one. Hopefully, I am not creating a duplicate wishlist idea/item.

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2 replies

I put the links to another frames very often, and having a back button would be a great help.

Fully agree. In case of big MIRO boards, it is crucial to have such functionality. In many apps besides CTRL+Z (undo) or CTRL+Y (redo) we have also SHIFT+Z (undo view change) or SHIFT+Y (Redo view change). We should have similar function here.

