Hi Miro Team,
Currently, when you capture a screenshot from a webpage, using the chrome addon “Miro Web Clipper” it shows up inside Miro under “Upload > Web Clipper”, but when you drag it onto whiteboard you have no way to trace back where you took it from. The URL of the page, where the screenshot was taken from is LOST. The only hint is the name of the image which saves ONLY DOMAIN but not the url/link. Eg. www.amazon.com-2023-2-12-9-23-15.png
You must manually right-click on the image and select “Link” and copy and paste the URL from Chrome address bar into Miro, to make the screenshot clickable / hyperlinked to the source webpage. This is then symbolised by the little clickable button in top-rigt corner of the image.
This should be automatic (or a global setting to enable/disable).
The Web Clipper screesnhot object when dragged into whiteboard should already contain Link to the source webpage.
This way the screenshot acts also as a BOOKMARK to display the entire webpage with all the related information.
Any serious researcher takes tenths of screenshots when roaming an internet and doing a research. There is no way to remember where they come from and adding link manually to every image completelly breaks the flow and makes the Web Clipper just about as usefull as using any of 1000 screenshot utilities and doing CTRL+C / CTRL+V from clipboard and than manually adding a link.
Thank you