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PDF “Extract Pages” feature: Improve Miro performance

Related products:Export Boards


Considering how much PDFs weigh down Miro performance, I’m wondering if there’s a way of improving this?

Right now, each extracted PDF page still maintains the entirety of the PDF from wh/ it was extracted, thus making Miro boards wicked slow w/ redundant pages.


  • If possible technically and not too disruptive usability-wise, could the “Extract Pages” feature actually be reconfigured to remove those pages that are not shown?
  • This would not be that destructive since the “Extract Pages” feature already maintains intact the original multi-page PDF.
  • UX-wise, some text to explain what’s going on and how it works may be helpful.

Net Net
The way it is now, “Extract PDF” is a cool feature but creates unnecessary performace lag which is increasing complaints among my 40+ users. 

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2 replies

Another way will be to convert pages to really hi-res pictures internally. Above 8192x4096 upload limitation because more often actual picture will be around 6000x4096 and for me personally this res is not enough to see some elements clearly.

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and share feedback about this feature. Our team is reviewing this idea and will follow up if there are any updates we can share. Thank you for your patience and commitment to making Miro better!

Miro Community Team
