Hi there.
We are currently using the Miro Board Picker simply for helping our users pick which Miro board to *export* content to. But the design for the Miro board picker recently changed so it always conveys that the selected Miro board is going to be *embedded*. This is a confusing UX for any non-embed-focused Board Picker use cases.
I feel like some small copy tweaks could make it retain its open-ended general utility without adding confusion for those who are focused solely on embed-centric use-cases?
Suggested Copy Text Changes (Current vs. Suggested):
“Confirm board embedding” vs. “Confirm board selection”
“Anyone on the embed” vs. “Anyone on the board”
“Embed board” vs. “Select board”

Is it possible that this UI change may be reverted, refined, or conditioned on the “action” argument for the picker? Maybe there could be a new select action variant that is more generic => makes the UI not always say “Embed”?
Also, could you help clarify, is the boardsPicker also deprecated with the V2 SDK shift, and if so, what is the analogous alternative to use now in place of the boards picker? Are we supposed to just build our own custom board picker? The V2 Live Embed Docs seem to also refer to the same V1 boardsPicker component, so I guess it is not deprecated?