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Convert embed to link preview


I have a Figma file with multiple pages that I want to show in a Miro board



The Figma embed viewer does not have a page selector


Desired outcome:

Visitors to the Miro board can see every page of the Figma file


Current workaround:

Paste the link into a text node and make it really big


Problems with current workaround:

  • Visually unappealing
  • Less context for board visitor
  • Possible the visitor will not return to the board


Recommended solution:

Add a “convert to link preview” action in the context menu for link embeds—users would be able to go to the Figma file directly


Other possible solutions:

  • Add a page selector to the Figma embed viewer
  • Allow embeds with multiple pages to be split into one embed per page (similar to how PDFs can be split)
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