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Confluence embeds pinned to a specific frame

As reviewers have noted on the Atlassian Marketplace page for the Miro Confluence integration, the integration still only embeds the entire board in a fixed-size component. This is useless for anyone using  the canvas to hold multiple diagrams..which is the whole point of Miro.

As a result, I’ve got no choice but to export a static  image of the frame I want, and paste that into the page. If the diagram gets updated, my Confluence page obviously does not. And if I want to link to the Miro board, I’m best off bypassing the integration entirely and simply pasting a URL because, again, there is little or no conceivable use for embedding the entire Miro app, UI and all, not focused on the specific content I’m trying to share, into a fixed-size small frame on the wiki page.

This can and should be split into multiple stories, e.g.:

  • As a user, I should be able to embed a single live frame into a Confluence page
  • I should be able to control the size and perhaps aspect ratio of the embedded frame, e.g. to match the content, as its dimensions are knowable.
  • I should be able to toggle whether the full Miro app UI should be turned on in the embed by default. Just because a user *can* edit the board that doesn’t mean embeds should be covered in toolbars and minimaps.
  • For pages that can and will be shared with viewers not authenticated into Miro, or lacking access to the specific board, there should be a toggle for an optional fallback behavior that renders a static image of the frame embedded at the time of embed creation or modification.

Since your Confluence integrations go back four years, and your Confluence Cloud integration goes back at least one year, should we expect these sorts of obvious functionality will ever be taken up?

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  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • September 1, 2020
Steve Koppelman wrote:

As reviewers have noted on the Atlassian Marketplace page for the Miro Confluence integration, the integration still only embeds the entire board in a fixed-size component. This is useless for anyone using  the canvas to hold multiple diagrams..which is the whole point of Miro.

As a result, I’ve got no choice but to export a static  image of the frame I want, and paste that into the page. If the diagram gets updated, my Confluence page obviously does not. And if I want to link to the Miro board, I’m best off bypassing the integration entirely and simply pasting a URL because, again, there is little or no conceivable use for embedding the entire Miro app, UI and all, not focused on the specific content I’m trying to share, into a fixed-size small frame on the wiki page.

This can and should be split into multiple stories, e.g.:

  • As a user, I should be able to embed a single live frame into a Confluence page
  • I should be able to control the size and perhaps aspect ratio of the embedded frame, e.g. to match the content, as its dimensions are knowable.
  • I should be able to toggle whether the full Miro app UI should be turned on in the embed by default. Just because a user *can* edit the board that doesn’t mean embeds should be covered in toolbars and minimaps.
  • For pages that can and will be shared with viewers not authenticated into Miro, or lacking access to the specific board, there should be a toggle for an optional fallback behavior that renders a static image of the frame embedded at the time of embed creation or modification.

Since your Confluence integrations go back four years, and your Confluence Cloud integration goes back at least one year, should we expect these sorts of obvious functionality will ever be taken up?

+1 for this...

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • February 16, 2021

Resurrecting this topic. :raising_hand_tone1: +1 for our project. This would be very useful.

Should definitely be implemented. Confluence integration needs to be more “smooth”.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • March 23, 2021

Half a year has passed, but nothing has changed.

Need this feature. Otherwise you have to split a single project into multiple boards.

Please implement this, installed the Miro plugin assuming this would be possible. No such luck. 😣

Hello. This seems like a pretty big miss! Please implement ASAP!

it is impossible to use Miro and Confluence together without ability to show only one Frame in document.


Usually I have Miro board with few different perspective/frames.

Embedding full Board into document is not usable.

In the end I have to export images from Miro and then paste them to Confluence. Of course as soon a I update Miro all those images go stale :(


We need this feature ASAP. I’ve been communicating with Support Team of Miro for months now with no end result. They don’t want to raise the priority on adding the feature. Very disappointing 

+1 for this. The current method to embed miro into confluence is pretty useless unless you only have one frame in your drawing. 

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • August 17, 2021

+1 for this. Agree on the above - the current method is fairly useless if you can’t select a frame or area of a frame.

+1  would be great to be able to specify the frame 

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • October 12, 2021

+1 We need this really badly …. as it also encourages us to create bigger Miro boards and use Miro more in general !!!

+1 without frame level linking this integration is useless.  Currently, its just a “box ticking” exercise by Miro.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • November 26, 2021

+1. I'd love to showcase directly a relevant frame in one of my Confluence pages. Please prioritize!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • November 26, 2021

+1 This is a key feature that has to be added!

+1 This plug-in is useless without this features

I also want to express my heavy interest in embedding a frame.

When documenting processes, I usually start with a very high-level overview of the process in one frame, and create additional frames in a board to zoom in on every part of the process. On Confluence, I want to add some description around it, but have a natural flow of my text with the same board embedded multiple times, each time with a different frame.

Please Miro, can you help us here?

+1 This would really help idd.

The present method of embedding only an entire board into a tiny frame is a non-solution, also that it is editable and navigate-able in the published document makes it worse.

I’d rather just distribute links to my Miro board separately from my Confluence page. Don’t need a plugin for the same experience, only viewed through a tiny embedded frame. Plus all the standard Miro “extra” stuff around the periphery makes it even harder to see the actual content.

What I want is to draft a document that provides CONTEXT to the frames in my Miro board. Imagine words intermixed with pictures! Miro is great, but it does not tell the full story (of my architecture or design) like a Confluence document could.

Like others, I’m back to exporting images and pasting them into my documents.

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • January 26, 2022

This would be a REALLY useful addition, for Confluence and for JIRA. I agree that embedding boards makes little sense to us. Any news from the Product backlog at Miro?

Just adding a few more specific desired behaviors of this much needed feature:

  • A Confluence plugin exists where I can “Embed a Miro Frame” into a Confluence Page. Presumably it would be free since I already paid for Miro, but whatever.
  • The editor-widget for this connects to Miro using my credentials and/or current session.
  • The editor-widget enables me to select the Miro Frame or to paste the frame URL directly from Miro (e.g. Miro Frame → Copy Link).
  • The Miro Frame renders like an image on my page. I can edit a caption on the Confluence page using the widget.
  • The widget contains a link-out button to go to Miro (in a new tab)
  • The widget contains a simple Refresh button that loads the new content. This is key - I don’t want an interactive session w/ Miro in Confluence. Just the picture. It’s fine if the picture somehow magically refreshes on Page-save, too. But a manual refresh would be fine.
  • Very important: When viewing the Confluence page, there is no Miro “Open the Board” button, or any visible Miro “experience” on the picture. It’s just a (beautiful!) Miro picture in my Confluence page.
  • Anyone viewing my Confluence page can click on the link and jump to the Miro Frame if they are authorized.

Can’t stress how important this is for me and my company to continue using Miro. I’m hanging on tight to Miro, but folks are migrating to other tools like or gliphy because they embed so nicely in Confluence. You are so close!!!!

Otherwise, keep up the great work at Miro. It’s an amazing tool and just needs a few more changes like this to push it over the finish line.

I am deciding which platform to use for our company. This seems like a big issue. Does anyone from Miro reads these requests?

  • Contributor
  • 18 replies
  • February 15, 2022

Resurrecting this topic.  +1 for 


Ralf Ekkelenkamp

This would be a great feature

