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Preview multiple boards together on one "Mega board"

  • May 5, 2022
  • 1 reply
  • dborowsk
  • Poggs
  • Andrew Obermeyer
  • greg.bacchus
  • Chinese Viking
    Chinese Viking
  • ENB
  • Jason1979
  • aes256
  • DonDirkos

I want to be able to preview multiple Miro boards in real time, or at least near real time.

Here is my use case:
I have a multiple boards where I record User stories. Each board covers a different feature set.

When I work on these boards, I want to work on one board at a time..  but later I want to preview all these boards together.  so I can have a view of  the whole picture.  I don’t even necessarily need the ability to edit them, though that would be nice..

I just want a “Board of boards”  that will keep track of boards and will adjust their position and size, according to the boards.

The best we can do is frames right now, but that still get unwieldy.  Cause I’m not going to constantly adjust frames as they grow.

So basically the features would be:

  1. Preview of a set of boards in one view.
  2. Board content will update in near realtime.
  3. Board display will automatically in size to display in the one view.
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Henrik Ståhl

@Christian Mendoza This can already be achieved using the Paste iFrame code feature. First, fetch the embed code from the board you want to add to your “Board of boards”:

Next, click on the Paste iFrame code found under Apps in the left-hand vertical toolbar:

Doing this will add an “embed block” with a play icon. Clicking the icon opens up a modal with the board.

It doesn’t have 100% coverage of what you describe in your idea (you wouldn't be able to see all boards at the same time in real-time) but a good 80-90% at least. 😊

Here’s some more info about embedding stuff in Miro:
