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The ability to edit/customise Asana cards in Miro

It would be good to have the option to edit the Asana card once it’s been imported into Miro and to have any changes made in Miro reflected back into Asana. 


Ideally we would be able to do the following: 

Change the colour of the card 

  • It would be good to have the Ability to colour code the cards in the Miro board to help with brainstorming sessions 

Update the formatting of the card 

  • I’ve noticed that when the Asana card is brought into the Miro board, the formatting is removed so it comes through as one large lump of text. Either it would be good if the formatting is not lost when it’s imported over, or the user has the ability to add formatting in to make the text more readable. 

Updating the copy in the card

  • If you are using the cards in a workshop, it would be good to have the ability to update the copy that is in the card so that it accurately reflects the work that has been discussed.  

Any updates on the card in Miro being reflected in Asana 

  • Any updates that have been made to the card in the Miro board - it would be good have these reflected back into Asana so that both systems can be displaying the most up to date information, and it removes the need for copying/pasting information across the two platforms.

Create a card in Miro to be created in Asana

  • I’ve seen this on the wish list already, but adding here also - it would be great if the integration went both ways. i.e. if I created a card in Miro I could choose to link it to an Asana project board and a section, and it would create the card in that space. A good feature for this could be that if I have selected for this to be created in Asana then on the card in Miro, the tags can show up. That way when the task is sent into Asana it is linked as best it can be and the fields all match up. 
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3 replies

+1 for Creating a card in Miro to be created in Asana.

I use Miro as my starting point for brainstorming potential features. Once I decide a feature needs to go to the Engineering team, I want to create an Asana task directly from the Miro card and be able to follow it to completion in Miro. Right now I have to create tasks manually in Asana to match my Miro cards and import them from Asana.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • March 23, 2022

Need the ability to choose what information is shown on the Asana cards in Miro. The assignee and whether or not the task has been completed is not information that helps me in my situation. I need other section information that I have in Asana such as location or progress status and the ability to update that information in Miro and reflect back in Asana.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • February 14, 2023

+1 for Creating a card in Miro to be created in Asana too!


With Miro as the starting point to brainstorm projects, planning, etc, ideally we could create a Kanban board in Miro that’s integrated with an Asana project:

  • The Kanban board =  a project in Asana 
  • Each swim lane would = a section in the Asana project
  • Each card in Miro = an Asana task

Fields in Miro would map to the default and custom fields in Asana. 

Expanding the card in miro would provide the task view that we see in Asana - this should be configurable in terms of what elements from the Asana task are viewed in Miro and what appears in the collapsed card

Changes made in either Miro or Asana would reflect in the other platform 

