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iFrame preview that automatically updates (to create board in board)

  • February 22, 2022
  • 0 replies
  • Jeff McKenna
  • Sin Loh
  • Mathieson Facer
  • Alicia Mickes

Hi there, 

Could we please get a board within a board function so that we can link in a board into several other boards and then it updates across boards automatically. For example, as survey data changes, we can then change the Survey data board and every team members board can see the latest data. 

Or if there is an announcement I can just add it to the announcement board and each person can see this announcement on their private board. 

At the moment this is done through embedded links using iFrame but the iFrame preview does not show a preview of the board. Is it not possible to offer an updated preview of the embedded link? 

Please this request will help so many users working in large teams!




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