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Filter function for showing/hiding certain elements

  • January 28, 2022
  • 1 reply

I would really love to have a function which makes it that Board-Users/Viewers can filter what elements they see, e.g. sort of a slider to show connection arrows of only one color (and hide the others) or some MC-boxes to tick so that Users can select if they want to see all frames or just a selection of them.


Especially for big and complicated boards with a lot of information I think it would be nice to “filter” the information and the objects that are shown on the board.


If there already is a similar function or anyone has an idea of how to realize this, please contact me! 

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  • February 8, 2022

The same applies to extensive Kanban boards. You would like to filter on tag, colours, assignee, date, etc. Especially for bigger Agile projects.
